* New tool [MH Copyright](https://florianschanda.github.io/miss_hit/copyright.html)
to update and change copyright notices in your projects. This can
perform one of four actions:
* update years
* replace one entity with another
* merge multiple entities into one
* add missing notices to files without one
* New configuration options for the `copyright_notice` rule of MH
Style. You can now change the magic regex to detect copyright
notices (`copyright_regex`), and add 3rd party copyright holders
(`copyright_3rd_party_entity`), and indicate a key copyright holder
(`copyright_primary_entity`). These options are also considered by
the MH Copyright tool.
* Fix issue with entry points: private directories were ignored, they
are now considered correctly.
* Fix issue in MH Style for name checking class methods: class
constructors should obviously follow the class naming scheme, not
the method naming scheme.
* Fix issue in MH Style where some confusing messages relating to
indentation would be emitted if there was a parse error in the file.
* Fix bug in all tools relating to `copyright_entity`. These could
be unexpectedly shared between different directory trees, this is
now fixed and is working as documented.
* Support Octave script-global functions in `--octave` mode. These are
function definitions that are sprinkled in the middle of a script
file, instead of appearing at the end. Also vastly improve the error
message that appears when encountering this construct in MATLAB