Refactors `mitransient` so that it's compatible with Mitsuba 3.6.X / Dr.Jit 1.0.X. This brings a (pretty noticeable) improvement in efficiency/execution time :)
How to upgrade:
* If you installed Mitsuba with pip, you can just `pip install -U mitsuba==3.6.4`. If you compiled Mitsuba from source, you will need to pull and recompile.
* If you're using [`y-tal`]( you will need to update to `>=0.19.0` (`pip install -U y-tal==0.19.0`)
* Some parts have not been ported to Mitsuba 3.6.X yet. This includes spatial and temporal filtering of the renders, and the `transient_prbvolpath` integrator (i.e. participative media). We plan to also port these in a future update.
* If you need these for your work, or if you find any other issue, feel free to contact us.