.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.557096.svg
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.557096
- Added :func:`~mizani.palettes.xkcd_palette`, a palette that
selects from 954 named colors.
- Added :func:`~mizani.palettes.crayon_palette`, a palette that
selects from 163 named colors.
- Added :func:`cubehelix_pal`, a function that creates a continuous
palette from the cubehelix system.
- Fixed bug where a color palette would raise an exception when
passed a single scalar value instead of a list-like.
- :func:`~mizani.breaks.extended_breaks` and
:func:`~mizani.breaks.mpl_breaks` now return a single break if
the limits are equal. Previous, one run into an *Overflow* and
the other returned a sequence filled with *n* of the same limit.
API Changes
- :func:`~mizani.breaks.mpl_breaks` now returns a function
that (strictly) expects a tuple with the minimum and maximum values.