**Breaking changes**
- Dropped support for Python `3.7`, the minimum required version is now `3.8`.
- Now privileging `material.extensions` as the source of extensions instead of the now deprecated `materialx` module (resolves 13)
- Introducing the `MkDocsExporter` window object
- You can define a `render` function within it, it will be invoked during the rendering process (for instance, [it can be used](https://github.com/adrienbrignon/mkdocs-exporter/blob/741aa1da4cc62965db32f6c019cf830045c645dc/docs/assets/scripts/mkdocs-exporter.js) to render *MathJax* expressions or *Mermaid* diagrams so they show up in PDF documents) (resolves #10)
- Added new options to the `mkdocs/exporter/pdf` plugin
- `browser.headless` can be used to toggle the browser's headless mode which can be useful during debugging (defaults to `true`)
- `browser.timeout` defines the timeout of the rendering process in milliseconds (defaults to `60000` for 60 seconds)
- Documentation
- Introducing the "*Samples*" section to preview the plugin in action in some common scenarios
- [Diagrams](https://adrienbrignon.github.io/mkdocs-exporter/samples/diagrams/)
- [Mathematics](https://adrienbrignon.github.io/mkdocs-exporter/samples/mathematics/)
- [Multimedia](https://adrienbrignon.github.io/mkdocs-exporter/samples/multimedia/)
- Improved logging messages
- Updated *Paged.js* from version `0.4.2` to `0.4.3`
- Updated Docker images and their dependencies
- Updated dependencies
**Full changelog**: https://github.com/adrienbrignon/mkdocs-exporter/compare/v4.1.0...v5.0.0