
Latest version: v3.2.0

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See it on pypi: [](

What’s Changed

* simplify docker configuration (23) athackst
* using mkdocs utils to determine md extension (24) athackst
* updating version of github-push-action to support tagging (22) athackst


See it on pypi: [](

What’s Changed

* Added integration tests for config options (21) athackst
* Add support for include_extensions flag to support images (20) tsvi :tada:


See it on pypi: [](

What’s Changed

* Add include list to plugin configuration options (19) athackst
* updated readme file with additional links (17) athackst
* Cleanup formatting (14) athackst
* Added test to check that mkdocs can serve the docs locally (16) athackst
* Added badges to readme, updated readme for docker commanding (15) athackst
* Updated readme for docker (13) athackst


See it on pypi: [](

What’s Changed

* Updated docker image (12) athackst
* Added docker image (11) athackst
* Updated requirements.txt (10) athackst
* Update release to auto bump version (9) athackst


What’s Changed

* Added contributing file, updated website config (8) athackst
* Updated release_tag script and requirements (7) athackst
* Added publish release on version tag (6) athackst
* Changed workflow to use release-drafter (5) athackst

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