What's Changed
* jinja2 bug -- convert attr to string before applying string filters by ntno in https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/pull/61
* format rendered tile html by ntno in https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/pull/62
* pytest cleanup by ntno in https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/pull/63
* Breaking - Tile Grid interface update by ntno in https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/pull/60
* test setup for interface change
* update tile interface (tile_id instead of id, tile_css instead of class)
* update example to use new interface
* update tile docs
* add docs/example for overriding grid styling
* Breaking - Refactor Template Blocks by ntno in https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/pull/66
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ntno/mkdocs-terminal/compare/1.2.4...2.0.2