
Latest version: v1.16.0

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Major Features and Improvements

* N/A

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Remove INFO log when a type is has empty property definition and not a
simple type.

Breaking Changes

* N/A


* N/A


Major Features and Improvements

* Introduce MySQLSourceErrorInfo message to metadata_source proto to support
adding additional error information. MySQL implementation adds MySQL error
numbers as part MySQLSourceErrorInfo payload message.
* Open source GetLineageGraph() to MLMD OSS. MLMD OSS users now can use
GetLineageGraph() to access MLMD lineage.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* N/A

Breaking Changes

* N/A


* Deprecated python 3.6 support.


Major Features and Improvements

* Introduces `base_type` field to ArtifactType, ExecutionType and ConteextType
messages in metadata_store.proto.
* Modifies PutArtifactType, PutExecutionType and PutTypes APIs to support
creation of type inheritance link; modifies GetArtifactType(s) and
GetExecutionType(s) APIs to return `base_type` field values as well.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Adds support for PutTypes in the gRPC server.

Breaking Changes

* N/A


* N/A


Major Features and Improvements

* Open sources declarative nodes filtering with zetaSQL. It is currently
supported on Linux and MacOS 10.14+.
* Extends get_artifacts, get_executions, get_contexts APIs with filtering
capabilities on properties and 1-hop neighborhood nodes.
* Supports configure GRPC options `grpc.http2.max_ping_strikes` from the
python client.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Introduces `database_name_` field for MySQL MetadataSource implementation to
enable MySQLMetadataSource to switch to different databases within the same
SQL server after connection or during reconnection.

Breaking Changes

* The minimum required OS version for the macOS is 10.14 now.
* Bumped the minimum bazel version required to build `ml_metadata` to 3.7.2.


* N/A


Major Features and Improvements

* Introduced `skip_db_creation` for MySQL backend. It is useful when db
creation is handled by an admin process, while the lib users should not
issue db creation clauses.
* Adds utils in shared C++ lib to delete Contexts, Artifacts, Executions, and
their corresponding edges (e.g., Associations, Attributions,
* Removes TensorFlow dependency in MLMD OSS C++ and TensorFlow bazel WORKSPACE
dependency in MLMD OSS bazel WORKSPACE.
* Upgrades MLMD schema version to 7.
- Add `byte_value` column for `ArtifactProperty`, `ExecutionProperty`,
`ContextProperty` for better storing binary property values.
- For MySQL backend, modify `string_value` to use `MEDIUMTEXT` instead of
`TEXT` to persist property value upto 16MB.
- Add index `EventPath`.`idx_eventpath_event_id` for Event retrieval

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Depends on `protobuf>=3.13,<4`.
* Fixes a bug of increasing size of `next_page_token` over pagination calls.
* Returns InvalidArgumentError for PutParentContexts when creating a cyclic
parent context.

Breaking Changes

* N/A


* N/A


Major Features and Improvements

* Implements ParentContext creation and retrieval in MLMD python and gRPC

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* When `reuse_context_if_already_exist` is used for PutExecution, returns
Aborted instead of AlreadyExists to improve the API contract when there are
data races to create the same Context for the first time.

Breaking Changes

* Predefines a list of types (MLMD SimpleTypes) when connecting a MLMD
instance. If the types already exist, it is a no-op, otherwise, it creates
the types. This change may break tests which assume the number of types
exist in a MLMD instance.


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