* Four new example environments added ([learn more](../master/docs/Learning-Environment-Examples.md)):
* Crawler
* Reacher
* Wall Area
* Push Area
* Environments no longer use normalized state values due to optional auto-normalizing done in PPO.
Communication API Updated. Be sure both Unity project files and Python api are most current version.
* PPO now optionally auto-normalizes states using running-average and running-variance (with `--normalize` flag).
* unityagents package now includes Curriculum Learning support ([learn more](../master/docs/Training-Curriculum-Learning.md)).
* Absolute path to training environments can now be used when running `UnityEnvironment()`.
* The Environment now logs errors and exceptions on the Unity side into the `unity-environment.log` file.
* New more flexible Monitor which allows for displaying arbitrary information ([learn more](../master/docs/Feature-Monitor.md)).
* Broadcast support for internal, heuristic, and player brains which allows all relevant agent information to be sent to python-side for supervised/imitation learning ([learn more](../master/docs/Learning-Environment-Design-Brains.md)).
Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
* Communication code now supports arbitrarily large observation cameras and states.
* Cumulative reward now accurately tracks reward.
* `AcademyReset()` now called before agent reset.
* `isInference` is now correctly set when running in Editor.
* Frame-rate is unlocked by default when in `isInference` is false.