Preferred installation method is pip: `pip install MLB-StatsAPI`. Or you can download and install manually, in which case you must also install the requests module.
Initial release includes advanced query support as well as the following built-in functions. See README and `statsapi.__doc__` / `statsapi.<function>.__doc__` for more details and example uses.
* `statsapi.get()` - make calls directly to MLB StatsAPI endpoints;
supports the most flexibility in request parameters, and returns raw json data
* `statsapi.meta()` - retrieve available values from StatsAPI for use in other queries,
or look up descriptions for values found in API results
* `statsapi.notes()` - retrieve notes for a given endpoint,
including a list of required parameters, as well as hints for some endpoints
* `statsapi.schedule()` - retrieve a list of games on a given date/range and/or team/opponent
* `statsapi.boxscore()` - generate a formatted boxscore for a given game
* `statsapi.linescore()` - generate a formatted linescore for a given game
* `statsapi.roster()` - generate a list of players on a team's roster
* `statsapi.standings()` - generate a formatted list of standings for a given league/date
* `statsapi.team_leaders()` - generate a list of a team's leaders for a given stat
* `statsapi.league_leaders()` - generate a list of stat leaders for all-time (single season) or a given season
* `statsapi.player_stats()` - get a list of a player's career or season stats
* `statsapi.last_game()` - get the game id for the given team's most recent game
* `statsapi.next_game()` - get the game id for the given team's next game
* `statsapi.game_highlights()` - generate a list of highlights with video links for a given game
* `statsapi.game_pace()` - get information about pace of game for a given season (back to 1999)
* `statsapi.game_scoring_plays()` - get a list of scoring plays for a given game