New Feature
- Support the key format of "PKCS8" for RSA.
- Support the export format of "DER" for RSA.
- Add a new feature of `get_file_md5()` that can get the md5 of a file.
- Add a new feature in `SFTP` that can remove a remote file or directory.
- Add a new feature in `VaultSecretEngineKV1` that can create secret path.
- Add a new feature in `VaultSecretEngineKV2` that can create secret path.
- Add a new feature in `VaultSecretEngineKV2` that listing existing secret keys.
- Add a new feature that support [Cubbyhole]( backend for vault.
- Add a new feature that join paths automatically depending on the OS type.
Fix Bug
- Fix the bug in Vault API that would raise error (generating random seed) when the Python version is greater than 3.11.
- Fix the bug in `VaultSecretEngineKV1` that `read_secret()` fail to return secret due to dict type calling error.
- Fix the bug of docs of `get_wrapping_key()` in `VaultSecretEngineTransit` that it would return a string (not a dict) of public key if success.
- Fix the bug of uploading attachments in `SMTPAPI.send_email()` method.
- Deprecate the `rsa` library.
- Pass in the OS type of the remote server when instantiating `SFTP`.