
Latest version: v0.3.5

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- Adds monitoring panel for GCP in `mle monitor` dashboard.
- Adds asynchronous job launching via new `ExperimentQueue` and monitoring based on `max_running_jobs` budget. This release changes the previous job launching infrastructure. We no longer rely on one process per job, but monitor all scheduled jobs passively in a for-loop.
- Adds GitHub Pages hosted documentation using mkdocs and the Material framework. The documentation is hosted under It is still very much work in progress.


- Adds support for additional setup bash files when launching GCP VM in `single_job_args`.
- Adds Q/A for upload/deletion of directory to GCS bucket.
- All GCP-CPU resources are now queried via [custom machine types]( - Default cheap n1.
- Separate different `requirements.txt` for minimal installation, examples and testing.
- Restructures the search experiment API in the `.yaml` file. We now differentiate between 3 pillars:
1. `search_logging`: General options such as reloading of previous log, verbosity, metrics in `.hdf5` log to monitor and how to do so.
2. `search_resources`: How many jobs, batches, maximum number of simultaneously running jobs, etc..
3. `search_config`: Options regarding the search type (random, grid, smbo) and the parameters to search over (spaces, resolution, etc.).



- Adds `HypothesisTester`: Simple time average difference comparison between individual runs. With multiple testing correction and p-value plotting. Example `hypothesis_testing.ipynb` notebook.
- Adds `MetaLog` and `HyperLog` classes: Implement convenient functionalities like `hyper_log.filter()` and ease the post-processing analysis.
- Adds GCP job launch/monitor support for all experiment types and organizes GCS syncing of results.


- `load_result_logs` is now directly imported with `import mle_toolbox` since it is part of the core functionality.
- Major restructuring of `experiment` sub-directory (`local`, `cluster`, `cloud`) with easy 3 part extension for new resources:
1. `monitor`
2. `launch`
3. `check_job_args`


- Fixes plotting with new `MetaLog` and `HyperLog` classes.


- Allows multi-config + multi-seed bash experiments. The user needs to take care of the input arguments (`-exp_dir`, `-config_fname`, `-seed_id`) themselves and within the bash script. We provide a minimal example of how to do so in examples/bash_configs.
- Adds backend functions for `monitor_slurm_cluster` and local version to get resource utilisation.
- Adds SHA-256 encryption/decryption of ssh credentials. Also part of initialization setup.
- Adds `extra_cmd_line_inputs` to `single_job_args` so that you can add a static input via the command line. This will also be incorporated in the `MLExperiment` as `extra_config` `dotmap` dictionary.

- Changes plots of monitored resource utilisation to `plotext` to avoid gnuplot dependency.
- Changes logger interface: Now one has to provide dictionaries as inputs to `update_log`. This is supposed to make the logging more robust.
- Changes template files and refactor/name files in `utils` subdirectory:
- `core_experiment`: Includes helpers used in (almost) every experiment
- `core_files_load`: Helpers used to load various core components (configs)
- `core_files_merge`: Helpers used to merge meta-logs
- `helpers`: Random small functionalities (not crucial)
- Renames `hyperopt` subdirectory: `hyperopt_<type>`, `hyperspace`, `hyperlogger`
- Changes the naming of the config from `cc` to `mle_config` for easy readability.
- Changes the naming of files to be more intuitive: E.g. ``, `` are changed to ``, ``

- Fixed local launch of remote projects via `screen` session and pipping to `qrsh` or `srun --pty bash`. If you are on a local machine and run `mle run`, you will get to choose the remote resource and can later reattach to that resource.
- Fixed 2D plot with `fixed_params`. The naming as well as subtitle of the `.png` files/plots accounts for the fixed parameter.


- Adds `mle init` to configure template toml. The command first searches for an existing config to update. If none is found we go through the process of updating values in a default config.
- Print configuration and protocol summary with rich. This gets rid of `tabulate` dependency.
- Update `monitor_slurm_cluster` to work with new `mle monitor`. This gets rid of `colorclass`, `terminaltables` dependencies.
- Fix report generation bug (everything has to be a string for markdown-ification!).
- Fix monitor bug: No longer reload the local database at each update call.
- Adds `get_jax_os_ready` helper for setting up JAX environment variables.
- Adds `load_model_ckpt` for smooth reloading of stored checkpoints.
- Add `MLE_Experiment` abstraction for minimal imports and smooth workflow.
- A lot of internal refactoring: E.g. getting rid of `multi_runner` sub directory.


- Raw github links for figures in readme so they are rendered in PyPi.
- Introduce mle-config variable `use_conda_virtual_env` to allow user to choose between `conda` and `venv` virtual environment setup.
- Introduce mle-config variable `remote_env_name` to allow user to set name for the remote experiment execution environment.
- Fix GCS retrieval unzipping so that there are no redundant sub-directories
- Make logging even better (different model types and top-k checkpointing)
- Add sklearn SVM classifier + Haiku VAE example with .pkl model saving
- Add rich dashboard for `monitor-cluster` :heart: (running only on SGE grid for now)
- Major clean-up of `utils`. Rename things properly e.g.`hyper_log_to_df` -> `load_hyper_log` and add top-k selection next to variable fixing in `subselect_hyper_log`
- Refactoring of core src commands and rebranding of core cmd line interface. You now call mle-toolbox commands via `mle <subcmd> <options>`. The toolbox has the following subcommands:
- `run`: Run a new experiment on a resource available to you.
- `retrieve`: Retrieve a completed experiment from a cluster/GCS bucket.
- `report`: Generate a set of reports (.html/.md) from experiment results.
- `monitor`: Monitor a compute resource and view experiment protocol.
- `sync-gcs`: Sync all results from Google Cloud Storage


- Major reduction of dependencies. Now for all more optional/specialized features (e.g. SMBO, visualization, JAX/torch idiosyncracies) there will be an exception raised if the package isn't installed and you still want to use the toolbox feature.
- Refactored `visualization` into its own subdirectory to clean up `utils`.
- Change from own `DotDic` to `DotMap`, which appears more stable and better maintained. Be aware that now we can't rely on `None` outputs if key is not in dict. We shouldn't have done that in the first place due to being error prone.
- Got rid of `cross_validation` support. This made everything less clean/minimal and can be handled within your specific setup.
- Now we also store much more meta data in the `hyper_log.pkl` file output from the search. This includes potential checkpoint paths of networks, multiple target variables and the original log paths.
- Added the `report-experiment` core functionality to generate `.md`, `.html` and `.pdf` reports of your experiments.
- Added an example notebook that shows how to load/analyze and report the results from the simple ODE integration example.

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