* Bump C++ standard requirement to C++14 (3233).
* Fix `Perceptron` to work with cross-validation framework (3190).
* Migrate from boost tests to Catch2 framework (2523), (2584).
* Bump minimum armadillo version from 8.400 to 9.800 (3043), (3048).
* Adding a copy constructor in the Convolution layer (3067).
* Replace `boost::spirit` parser by a local efficient implementation (2942).
* Disable correctly the autodownloader + fix tests stability (3076).
* Replace `boost::any` with `core::v2::any` or `std::any` if available (3006).
* Remove old non used Boost headers (3005).
* Replace `boost::enable_if` with `std::enable_if` (2998).
* Replace `boost::is_same` with `std::is_same` (2993).
* Remove invalid option for emsmallen and STB (2960).
* Check for armadillo dependencies before downloading armadillo (2954).
* Disable the usage of autodownloader by default (2953).
* Install dependencies downloaded with the autodownloader (2952).
* Download older Boost if the compiler is old (2940).
* Add support for embedded systems (2531).
* Build mlpack executable statically if the library is statically linked (2931).
* Fix cover tree loop bug on embedded arm systems (2869).
* Fix a LAPACK bug in `FindArmadillo.cmake` (2929).
* Add an autodownloader to get mlpack dependencies (2927).
* Remove Coverage files and configurations from CMakeLists (2866).
* Added `Multi Label Soft Margin Loss` loss function for neural networks
* Added Decision Tree Regressor (2905). It can be used using the class
`mlpack::tree::DecisionTreeRegressor`. It is accessible only though C++.
* Added dict-style inspection of mlpack models in python bindings (2868).
* Added Extra Trees Algorithm (2883). Currently, it can be used using the
class `mlpack::tree::ExtraTrees`, but only through C++.
* Add Flatten T Swish activation function (`flatten-t-swish.hpp`)
* Added warm start feature to Random Forest (2881); this feature is
accessible from mlpack's bindings to different languages.
* Added Pixel Shuffle layer (2563).
* Add "check_input_matrices" option to python bindings that checks
for NaN and inf values in all the input matrices (2787).
* Add Adjusted R squared functionality to R2Score::Evaluate (2624).
* Disabled all the bindings by default in CMake (2782).
* Added an implementation to Stratify Data (2671).
* Add `BUILD_DOCS` CMake option to control whether Doxygen documentation is
built (default ON) (2730).
* Add Triplet Margin Loss function (2762).
* Add finalizers to Julia binding model types to fix memory handling (2756).
* HMM: add functions to calculate likelihood for data stream with/without
pre-calculated emission probability (2142).
* Replace Boost serialization library with Cereal (2458).
* Add `PYTHON_INSTALL_PREFIX` CMake option to specify installation root for
Python bindings (2797).
* Removed `boost::visitor` from model classes for `knn`, `kfn`, `cf`,
`range_search`, `krann`, and `kde` bindings (2803).
* Add k-means++ initialization strategy (2813).
* `NegativeLogLikelihood<>` now expects classes in the range `0` to
`numClasses - 1` (2534).
* Add `Lambda1()`, `Lambda2()`, `UseCholesky()`, and `Tolerance()` members to
`LARS` so parameters for training can be modified (2861).
* Remove unused `ElemType` template parameter from `DecisionTree` and
`RandomForest` (2874).
* Fix Python binding build when the CMake variable `USE_OPENMP` is set to
`OFF` (2884).
* The `mlpack_test` target is no longer built as part of `make all`. Use
`make mlpack_test` to build the tests.
* Fixes to `HoeffdingTree`: ensure that training still works when empty
constructor is used (2964).
* Fix Julia model serialization bug (2970).
* Fix `LoadCSV()` to use pre-populated `DatasetInfo` objects (2980).
* Add `probabilities` option to softmax regression binding, to get class
probabilities for test points (3001).
* Fix thread safety issues in mlpack bindings to other languages (2995).
* Fix double-free of model pointers in R bindings (3034).
* Fix Julia, Python, R, and Go handling of categorical data for
`decision_tree()` and `hoeffding_tree()` (2971).
* Depend on `pkgbuild` for R bindings (3081).
* Replaced Numpy deprecated code in Python bindings (3126).