The first version of the BOOMER algorithm used in the following publication:
*Michael Rapp, Eneldo Loza Mencía, Johannes Fürnkranz and Eyke Hüllermeier. Gradient-based Label Binning in Multi-label Classification. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), 2021, Springer.*
This version supports the following features to learn an ensemble of boosted classification rules:
- Different label-wise or example-wise loss functions can be minimized during training (optionally using L2 regularization).
- The rules may predict for a single label, or for all labels (which enables to model local label dependencies).
- When learning a new rule, random samples of the training examples, features or labels may be used, including different techniques such as sampling with or without replacement.
- The impact of individual rules on the ensemble can be controlled using shrinkage.
- The conditions of a recently induced rule can be pruned based on a hold-out set.
- The algorithm currently only supports numerical or ordinal features. Nominal features can be handled by using one-hot encoding.