- Support [GMA](../../configs/gma/README.md): Learning to Estimate Hidden Motions with Global Motion Aggregation (ICCV 2021) (32)
- Fix the bug of wrong refine iter in RAFT, and update [RAFT](../../configs/raft/README.md) model checkpoint after the bug fixing (62, 68)
- Support resuming from the latest checkpoint automatically (71)
- Add `scale_as_level` for multi-level flow loss (58)
- Add `scale_mode` for correlation block (56)
- Add `upsample_cfg` in IRR-PWC decoder (53)
Bug Fixes
- Resized input image must be dividable by 2^6 (65)
- Fix RAFT wrong refine iter after evaluation (62)
- Add `persistent_workers=True` in `val_dataloader` (63)
- Revise `env_info` key (46)
- Add digital version (43)
- Try to create a symbolic link on windows (37)
- Set a random seed when the user does not set a seed (27)
- Refactor utils in models (50)
- Refactor documentation (14)
- Fix script bug in FlyingChairs dataset prepare (21)
- Fix broken links in model_zoo (60)
- Update metafile (39, 41, 49)
- Update documentation (28, 35, 36, 47, 48, 70)