New Features
- Add evaluation metrics: mAP, CP, CR, CF1, OP, OR, OF1 for multi-label task. (123)
- Add BCE loss for multi-label task. (130)
- Add focal loss for multi-label task. (131)
- Support PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset for multi-label task. (134)
- Add asymmetric loss for multi-label task. (132)
- Add to select images for success/fail demonstration. (142)
- Support new metric that calculates the total number of occurrences of each label. (143)
- Support class-wise evaluation results. (143)
- Add thresholds in eval_metrics. (146)
- Add heads and a baseline config for multilabel task. (145)
- Remove the models with 0 checkpoint and ignore the repeated papers when counting papers to gain more accurate model statistics. (135)
- Add tags in (137)
- Fix optional issues in docstring. (138)
- Update to classify papers. (139)
- Fix mismatched columns in (150)
- Fix to support more evaluation metrics. (155)
Bug Fixes
- Fix bug in VGG weight_init. (140)
- Fix bug in 2 ResNet configs in which outdated heads were used. (147)
- Fix bug of misordered height and width in `RandomCrop` and `RandomResizedCrop`. (151)
- Fix missing `meta_keys` in `Collect`. (149, 152)