We are excited to announce the release of MMRazor 1.0.0rc1.
- **New Pruning Framework**:We have systematically refactored the Pruning module. The new Pruning module can more automatically resolve the dependencies between channels and cover more corner cases.
New Features
- A new pruning framework is released in this release. (311, 313)
It consists of five core modules, including Algorithm, ``ChannelMutator``, ``MutableChannelUnit``, ``MutableChannel`` and ``DynamicOp``.
- MutableChannelUnit is introduced for the first time. Each MutableChannelUnit manages all channels with channel dependency.
from mmrazor.registry import MODELS
backbone=dict(type='MobileNetV2', widen_factor=1.5),
head=dict(type='mmcls.LinearClsHead', num_classes=1000, in_channels=1920))
from mmrazor.models.mutators import ChannelMutator
channel_mutator = ChannelMutator()
units = channel_mutator.mutable_units
name=backbone.conv1.conv_(0, 48)_48
(output_related): ModuleList(
(0): Channel(backbone.conv1.conv, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=true, expand_ratio=1)
(1): Channel(backbone.conv1.bn, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=true, expand_ratio=1)
(2): Channel(backbone.layer1.0.conv.0.conv, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=true, expand_ratio=1)
(3): Channel(backbone.layer1.0.conv.0.bn, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=true, expand_ratio=1)
(input_related): ModuleList(
(0): Channel(backbone.conv1.bn, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=false, expand_ratio=1)
(1): Channel(backbone.layer1.0.conv.0.conv, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=false, expand_ratio=1)
(2): Channel(backbone.layer1.0.conv.0.bn, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=false, expand_ratio=1)
(3): Channel(backbone.layer1.0.conv.1.conv, index=(0, 48), is_output_channel=false, expand_ratio=1)
(mutable_channel): SquentialMutableChannel(num_channels=48, activated_channels=48)
Our new pruning algorithm can help you develop pruning algorithm more fluently. Pelease refer to our documents [PruningUserGuide](./docs/en/user_guides/../../pruning/[pruning_user_guide.md](http://pruning_user_guide.md/)) for model detail.
- Support [CRD](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.10699), a distillation algorithm based on contrastive representation learning. (#281)
- Support [PKD](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.02039), a distillation algorithm that can be used in ``MMDetection`` and ``MMDetection3D``. #304
- Support [DEIT](https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.12877), a classic **Transformer** distillation algorithm.(#332)
- Add a more powerful baseline setting for [KD](https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02531). (#305)
- Add ``MethodInputsRecorder`` and ``FuncInputsRecorder`` to record the input of a class method or a function.(320)
- Support [DSNAS](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.09128.pdf), a nas algorithm that does not require retraining. (#226 )
- Support configurable immediate feature map visualization. (293 )
A useful tool is supported in this release to visualize the immediate features of a neural network. Please refer to our documents [VisualizationUserGuide](http://./docs/zh_cn/user_guides/visualization.md) for more details.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the bug that ``FunctionXXRecorder`` and ``FunctionXXDelivery`` can not be pickled. (320)
Ongoing changes
- Quantization: We are developing the basic interface of PTQ and QAT. RFC(Request for Comments) will be released soon.
- AutoSlim: AutoSlim is not yet available and is being refactored.
- Fx Pruning Tracer: Currently, the model topology can only be resolved through the backward tracer. In the future, both backward tracer and fx tracer will be supported.
- More Algorithms: BigNAS、AutoFormer、GreedyNAS and Resrep will be released in the next few versions.
- Documentation: we will add more design docs, tutorials, and migration guidance so that the community can deep dive into our new design, participate the future development, and smoothly migrate downstream libraries to MMRazor 1.x.
A total of 12 developers contributed to this release.
Thanks FreakieHuang gaoyang07 HIT-cwh humu789 LKJacky pppppM pprp spynccat sunnyxiaohu wilxy kitecats SheffieldCao
New Contributors
- kitecats made their first contribution in 334
- SheffieldCao made their first contribution in 299