
Latest version: v0.8.0

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* PyPy support (switched from ctypes._CData.from_buffer to .from_address)
* Multiple calls to MmStats().remove() no longer error (makes testing easier)



* Mistag of 0.3.8



* Allow filename templating with %PID% and %TID% placeholders
* Allow setting filename template via MMSTATS_FILES environment variable
* Improved docs slightly
* Fixed Ctrl-Cing run_flask_example script
* Fixed 64 bit integer fields on 32 bit platforms
* Fixed StaticInt64Field (was actually a uint64 field before)
* Fixed slurpstats debug output (always showed first 40 bytes of file)
* Strip newlines from org.python.version



* Add pollstats utility (similar to dstat/vmstat)
* Cleanup development/testing section of the README
* Slight improvements to basic flask integration example



* Allow setting the value of CounterFields



* Added a running average field
* Made mmash more configurable and added a console entry point
* Updated TODO

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