
Latest version: v1.2.0

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New Contributors
* martinwimpff made their first contribution in
* Samuel-Boehm made their first contribution in
* allwaysFindFood made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



- Add possibility to use OptunaGridSearch ([630]( by [Igor Carrara](
- Add scripts to upload results on PapersWithCode ([561]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Centralize dataset summary tables in CSV files ([635]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Add new dataset `moabb.datasets.Liu2024` ([619]( by [Taha Habib](


- Fix caching in the workflows ([632]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

API changes

- Include optuna as a soft-dependency in the benchmark function and in the base of evaluation ([630]( by [Igor Carrara](



- Add cache option to the evaluation ([518]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Option to interpolate channel in paradigms’ match_all method ([480]( by [Gregoire Cattan](
- Add leave k-Subjects out evaluations ([470]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Update Braindecode dependency to 0.8 ([542]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Improve transform function of AugmentedDataset ([541]( by [Quentin Barthelemy](
- Add new paper results website ([556]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Move cVEP common functions to moabb.datasets.utils ([564]( [#557]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Normalize c-VEP description tables ([562]( [#566]( by [Pierre Guetschel]( and [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Update citation in README ([573]( by [Igor Carrara](
- Update pyRiemann dependency ([577]( by [Gregoire Cattan](
- Add resting stage Hinss2021 dataset ([580]( by [Gregoire Cattan]( and [Yash Chauhan](
- Expose the learning rate parameter in the keras deep learning methods and optimize parameters ([589]( and [#592]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Updating the braindecode pipelines for the new braindecode version 0.8.1 ([589]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Add SSVEP and ERP paradigms to DL pipelines ([590]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Allow to pass a single pipeline file to benchmark ([591]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Add new dataset [moabb.datasets.Stieger2021]( ([604]( by [Reinmar Kobler]( and [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Exposing the drop_rate for all the deep learning parameters ([592]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Add new dataset [moabb.datasets.Rodrigues2017]( dataset ([602]( by [Gregoire Cattan]( and [Pedro L. C. Rodrigues](
- Change unittest to pytest ([618]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Remove tensorflow import warning ([622]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](


- Fix TRCA implementation for different stimulation freqs and for signal filtering (:gh:522 by [Sylvain Chevallier](
- Fix saving to BIDS runs with a description string in their name ([530]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Fix import of keras BatchNormalization for TF 2.13 and higher ([544]( by [Brian Irvine](
- Fix the doc summary tables of [moabb.datasets.Lee2019_SSVEP]( ([548]( [#547]( [#546]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Fix the doc summary for Castillos2023 dataset ([561]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Fix format string receiving incorrect number of args in bids interface ([563]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Fix number of sessions in doc of [moabb.datasets.Sosulski2019]( ([565]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Fix code column of [moabb.datasets.CastillosCVEP100]( and [moabb.datasets.CastillosCVEP100]( ([567]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- MAINT updating the packages pre-release ([578]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Fix mne_bids version incompatibility with mne ([586]( by [Bruna Lopes](
- Updating the parameters of the SSVEP_TRCA method ([589]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Fix and updating the parameters for the benchmark function ([588]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](
- Fix moabb.datasets.preprocessing.SetRawAnnotations setting incorrect annotations when the dataset’s interval does not start at 0 ([607]( by [Pierre Guetschel](
- Fix download link for GigaDB Cho2017 and Lee2019 datasets ([621]( by [Anton Andreev](

API changes

- None


This new stable version of MOABB brings several new features (details below) and this is a new major version as the integration of BIDS compatibility was the opportunity to normalize dataset names, including a more regular naming scheme for sessions and runs. New addition includes support for new datasets, including cVEP ones.

**API changes**

- Renaming datasets, sessions and runs, see [455]( and [#471](


- Adding extra thank you section in the documentation ([390]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Adding new script to get the meta information of the datasets ([389]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fixing the dataset description based on the meta information ([389]( and 398 by [Bruno Aristimunha]( and [Sara Sedlar](

- Adding second deployment of the documentation ([374]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Adding Parallel evaluation for [moabb.evaluations.WithinSessionEvaluation()]( , [moabb.evaluations.CrossSessionEvaluation()]( ([364]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Add example with VirtualReality BrainInvaders dataset ([393]( by [Gregoire Cattan]( and [Pedro L. C. Rodrigues](

- Adding saving option for the models ([401]( by [Bruno Aristimunha]( and [Igor Carrara](

- Adding example to load different type of models ([401]( by [Bruno Aristimunha]( and [Igor Carrara](

- Add resting state paradigm with dataset and example ([400]( by [Gregoire Cattan]( and [Pedro L. C. Rodrigues](

- Speeding the augmentation method by 400% with NumPy vectorization ([419]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Add possibility to convert datasets to BIDS, plus [example]( (PR [#408](, PR [#391]( by [Pierre Guetschel]( and [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Allow caching intermediate processing steps on disk, plus [example]( (PR [#408](, issue [#385]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Restructure the paradigms and datasets to move all preprocessing steps to moabb.datasets.preprocessing and as sklearn pipelines (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Add [moabb.paradigms.FixedIntervalWindowsProcessing()]( and [moabb.paradigms.FilterBankFixedIntervalWindowsProcessing()](, plus [example]( (PR [#408](, issue [#424]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Define [moabb.paradigms.base.BaseProcessing()](, common parent to [moabb.paradigms.base.BaseParadigm()]( and [moabb.paradigms.BaseFixedIntervalWindowsProcessing()]( (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Allow passing a fixed processing pipeline to [moabb.paradigms.base.BaseProcessing.get_data()]( and cache its result on disk (PR [408](, issue [#367]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Update [moabb.datasets.fake.FakeDataset()](’s code to be unique for each parameter combination (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Systematically set the annotations when loading data, eventually using the stim channel (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Allow [moabb.datasets.utils.dataset_search()]( to search across paradigms paradigm=None (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Improving the review processing with more pre-commit bots ([435]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Add methods make_processing_pipelines and make_labels_pipeline to [moabb.paradigms.base.BaseProcessing]( ([447]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Pipelines’ digests are now computed from the whole processing+classification pipeline ([447]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Update all dataset codes to remove white spaces and underscores ([448]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Add moabb.utils.depreciated_alias() decorator ([455]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Rename many dataset class names to standardize and deprecate old names ([455]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Change many dataset codes to match the class names ([455]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Add moabb.datasets.compound_dataset.utils.compound_dataset_list ([455]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Add c-VEP paradigm and Thielen2021 c-VEP dataset ([463]( by [Jordy Thielen](

- Add option to plot scores vertically. ([417]( by [Sara Sedlar](

- Change naming scheme for runs and sessions to align to BIDS standard ([471]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Increase the python version to 3.11 ([470]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Add match_all method in paradigm to support CompoundDataset evaluation with MNE epochs ([473]( by [Gregoire Cattan](

- Automate setting of event_id in compound dataset and add data_origin information to the data ([475]( by [Gregoire Cattan](

- Add possibility of not saving the model ([489]( by [Igor Carrara](


- Restore 3 subject from Cho2017 ([392]( by [Igor Carrara]( and [Sylvain Chevallier](

- Correct downloading with VirtualReality BrainInvaders dataset ([393]( by [Gregoire Cattan](

- Rename event subtraction in [moabb.datasets.Shin2017B()]( ([397]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Save parameters of [moabb.datasets.PhysionetMI()]( ([403]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Fixing issue with parallel evaluation ([401]( by [Bruno Aristimunha]( and [Igor Carrara](

- Fixing SSLError from BCI competition IV ([404]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fixing moabb.datasets.bnci.MNEBNCI.data_path() that returned the data itself instead of paths ([412]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Adding moabb.datasets.fake() in the init file to use in braindecode object ([414]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fixing the parallel download issue when the dataset have the same directory ([421]( by [Sara Sedlar](

- Fixing fixes the problem with the annotation loading for the P300 datasets Sosulski2019, Huebner2017 and Huebner2018 ([396]( by [Sara Sedlar](

- Removing the print in the dataset list ([423]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fixing bug in moabb.pipeline.utils_pytorch.BraindecodeDatasetLoader() where incorrect y was used in transform calls ([426]( by [Gabriel Schwartz](

- Fixing one test in moabb.pipeline.utils_pytorch.BraindecodeDatasetLoader() ([426]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fix [moabb.benchmark()]( overwriting include_datasets list ([408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Fix [moabb.paradigms.base.BaseParadigm()]( using attributes before defining them (PR [408](, issue [#425]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Fix moabb.paradigms.FakeImageryParadigm(), moabb.paradigms.FakeP300Paradigm() and moabb.paradigms.FakeSSVEPParadigm() is_valid methods to only accept the correct datasets (PR [408]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Fix dataset_list construction, which could be empty due to bad import order (PR [449]( by [Thomas Moreau](

- Fixing dataset downloader from servers with non-http (PR [433]( by [Sara Sedlar](

- Fix dataset_list to include deprecated datasets (PR [464]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Fixed bug in moabb.analysis.results.get_string_rep() to handle addresses such as 0x__0A as well (PR [468]( by [`Anton Andreev`_](

- Moving the moabb.evualation.grid_search() to inside the base evaluation ([487]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](

- Removing joblib Parallel ([488]( by [Igor Carrara](

- Fix case when events specified via raw.annotations but no events ([491]( by [Pierre Guetschel](

- Fix bug in downloading Shin2017A dataset ([493]( by [Igor Carrara](

- Fix the cropped option in the dataset preprocessing ([502]( by [Bruno Aristimunha](


This is the latest stable version of MOABB, 0.4.6, that is [available on PyPi]( See [What's new]( section of the documentation for more information.

What's Changed
* Set download dir test and example by Div12345 in
* Fix Schirrmeister2017 error by sylvchev in
* Removing dependency of Physionet MI download on mne method by Div12345 in
* Correct MAMEM issues by sylvchev in
* Progress bars by Div12345 in
* fix doc url in readme by sylvchev in
* Schirrmeister2017 High-Gamma Dataset from EDF by robintibor in
* added 13 + 12 subjects speller datasets by huebner by jsosulski in
* added Spot Auditory oddball dataset by jsosulski in
* Visualize all ERP datasets by jsosulski in
* update to v0.4.5 by sylvchev in
* correct pre-commit error and add code coverage by sylvchev in
* add new erp datasets to docs by jsosulski in
* Add Brain Invaders datasets by sylvchev in
* Fix documentation link in ToC by jsosulski in
* Generalize default path for erp visualization by jsosulski in
* Elicit warning if lambda functions are used by jsosulski in
* update to 0.4.6 by sylvchev in
* fix plot instantly close by danidask in
* correct lint test failing due to black version by sylvchev in
* preload Schirrmsister2017 - Fixes 289 by PierreGtch in
* Fix typo by yosider in
* remove unnecessary indents by yosider in
* Correct Lee dataset loading by sylvchev in
* Bump mistune from 0.8.4 to 2.0.3 by dependabot in
* Hotfix _simplify_names by Div12345 in
* Update deps and doc cleaning by sylvchev in
* Benchmark function by Div12345 in
* Adding Wiki Meta Information to the documentation by bruAristimunha in
* Fix dataset downloading errors by sylvchev in
* Return raw with get_data by sylvchev in
* replacing the to native type int. by bruAristimunha in
* Grid Search on Evaluation by carraraig in
* Beanchmark grid search by carraraig in
* Deprecated numpy by bruAristimunha in
* Updating the .pre-commit-yaml to fix CI. by bruAristimunha in
* Restricting Python < 3.11 version and adding tensorflow, keras, scikeras, braindecode, skorch and torch [optional] by bruAristimunha in
* Updating CI by bruAristimunha in
* Update pipelines by sylvchev in
* Adding Google analytics by bruAristimunha in
* Fix bug for MotorImagery All events by carraraig in
* Adding a convenient Docker by bruAristimunha in
* Fixing whats new and one missed import by bruAristimunha in
* Updating Gitter link by bruAristimunha in
* Change n_jobs=-1 to self.n_jobs by carraraig in
* Plot brain decode by carraraig in
* Disable coverage patch by bruAristimunha in
* Cleaning Pipeline by carraraig in
* CodeCarbon by carraraig in
* Fixing doc generation by sylvchev in
* Circleci project setup by bruAristimunha in
* Removing the CI by bruAristimunha in
* Example CodeCarbon by carraraig in
* Adding Braindecode pipeline by bruAristimunha in
* New theme, PyData by bruAristimunha in
* [Dataset] Brain Invaders dataset with VR/PC display by gcattan in
* Fixing circular import by bruAristimunha in
* Adding Data Description to Huebner2017, Huebner2018, Sosulski2019 by bruAristimunha in
* Speeding the AUG Method by bruAristimunha in
* MsetCCA SSVEP classification + example by emmanuelkalunga in
* Fix dropped epochs by PierreGtch in
* Adding redundancy deployment on web page by bruAristimunha in
* Pipelines for MsetCCA SSVEP, TRCA SSVEP, and others by emmanuelkalunga in

New Contributors
* danidask made their first contribution in
* yosider made their first contribution in
* bruAristimunha made their first contribution in
* carraraig made their first contribution in
* gcattan made their first contribution in
* emmanuelkalunga made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


This is the latest stable version of MOABB, 0.4.6, that is [available on PyPi]( See [What's new]( section of the documentation for more information.

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