. `277 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/277>`_: Restored dependency
git-url-parse, replacing incompatible giturlparse which was used during moban
. `281 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/281>`_: Fixed unicode
support on Python 2.7
. `274 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/274>`_: Updated ruamel.yaml
dependency pins to restore support for Python 3.4, and prevent installation
of versions that can not be installed on Python 3.7
. `285 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/285>`_: Fixed CI testing of
minimum requirements
. `271 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/271>`_: Fixed repository
caching bug preventing branch switching
. `292 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/292>`_: Reformatted YAML
files according to yamllint rules
. `291 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/291>`_: Fixed filename typos
. `280 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/280>`_: Added CI to ensure
repository is in sync with upstream
. `280 <https://github.com/moremoban/moban/issues/280>`_: sync setup.py from