====== * More Python 3 improvements. * Switch to pytest.
====== * Add Travis-CI testing. * Only patch `os.getcwdu` on Python 2. * Only patch `os.file` on Python 2. * `setuptools` packaging. * initial Python 2/3 support. * Raise `OSError` when `os.makedirs` is used on an existing path.
====== * Raise `IOError` when trying to write a file into a mockfs directory that does not exist. * Ensure that mockfs does close files that were never opened, eg. when exceptions are thrown while saving files.
====== * Support `open(path, 'rU')` for opening files. * Source tree reorganization. * Restored `install` and `uninstall` for the final v1.0 API.
====== * Add `os.getcwd` and `os.getcwdu`. * Enhance `os.rmdir` and `os.remove` to handle relative paths. * Add `os.chdir` and `os.path.abspath`. * Add `os.path.getsize`. * Add `shutil.rmtree`. * Add `os.unlink` * Implement `open` and `close` for files by integrating Michael Foord's storage.py. * New `setup` and `teardown` replacements for `install` and `uinistall` (REVERTED).