As you see from the length of the 1.3 changes below, 1.3 is a major(!)
upgrade. We could have also named it "2.0", but we decided against.
So take the time for reading the informations thoroughly and do the
migration exactly as we tell you - this is no 5 minutes upgrade!
!!! We heavily changed configuration, data encoding, dir layout: !!!
!!! * the default encoding changed to utf-8. !!!
!!! * also, we changed the escaping for special chars to %XX%YY in !!!
!!! URL and (xxyy) in file system. !!!
!!! * layout of data dir changed completely !!!
!!! If you upgrade an existing wiki, you must run the migration !!!
!!! scripts or you will get data corruption or other problems. !!!
HINT: Upgrading your wiki - critical information
If you are NOT starting from scratch, you MUST convert your existing
data - see README.migration for details.
If you use language: xx comments on your OWN pages, you should also run
repair_language script. Not needed for help/system pages as we already
have done that for you.
MoinMoin uses Unicode internally now (UCS-2 with 16 bits or UCS-4 with
32 bits, depending on your Python installation). The encoding used
for page files and html output is set by config.charset.
Moin 1.3 uses utf-8 encoding only, there is NO SUPPORT for using a
charset different from utf-8 with 1.3. If you try, you are on your own.
Directory layout
Directory layout was heavily changed. Each page now is a directory,
containing page revisions, attachments, cache files and edit-log.
You can delete a page or move a page from one wiki to another
easily. Look at the wiki/data directory to see.
old: data/text/FrontPage
new: data/pages/FrontPage/revisions/00000042
data/pages/FrontPage/current (contains: 00000042)
old: data/backup/FrontPage.xxxxxxxx
new: data/pages/FrontPage/revisions/00000023
For cleaning up cache files, use MoinMoin/scripts/
(see comments in script).
Python / Libs
* For using RSS, you need to have PyXML installed:
Python 2.4* -> PyXML 0.8.4 (cvs version)
Python 2.3.x -> PyXML 0.8.3
Python 2.2.2+ -> ???
This will also make "Live Bookmarks" of Mozilla Firefox working.
New: if you don't have PyXML installed, the RSS icon on RecentChanges
will not be displayed any more. Python with no PyXML installed
generates invalid RSS XML.
Page names handling
* Handling of special characters in file names changed from _xx format
to (xx...) format.
* In URLs, moin now uses %xx%yy quoting, (because this is supported by
browsers), and sub pages use "/" instead of the ugly "_2f".
* Underscore character "_" is used now as a space character " " both
in file names and URLs. " " and "_" will be handled equivalent at most
places in the future (represented as "_", rendered as " ").
* To prevent wiki abuse and user typing errors, page names are normalized
in URLs, query strings, the "go" box and when renaming pages. This
include leading, trailing and multiple slashes and white space. Certain
invisible unicode characters are removed from page names.
* Group page names are restricted even more, any non unicode alpha-numeric
character is removed. This is done to enable changing acl syntax in
the future. The restriction might be loosen on future versions.
* You can edit config.page_invalid_chars_regex to control which characters
are allowed in page names (Changing it is not supported).
* When you enter page name, it is normalized and you are redirected to
the normalized page, or if nothing left (e.g '/////'), to FrontPage.
* When renaming a page to a name that can be normalized to an empty string,
the new page name will be "EmptyName" and the user will not get an
error message.
Underlay directory
* Pages (especially system and help pages) are now located in an underlay
directory (data_underlay_dir). You will see the pages there if they are
NOT covered (overlayed) by a page in the normal pages directory
(as set using data_dir).
* If you edit a page that is shown from underlay directory, it will be
copied to the normal page directory on save (copy-on-write).
* You can use one copy of the underlay directory shared by many
wiki instances. Each wiki will then have only your local, self-made
wiki pages in its data directory, and only system and help pages in the
single, shared underlay directory - this simplifies upgrades a lot.
* It is recommended to keep your underlay system and help pages immutable
using acl, so you can upgrade your wiki easily. The default help and
system pages already have those ACLs (using MoinPagesEditorGroup).
* Do not forget to remove your old help and system pages after migrating
your wiki. We don't provide a script for that as that would be
dangerous for edited pages. Just use some file manager (e.g. mc) to
clean the data/pages/ directory. As soon as you have removed the
system pages there, you will see the new pages in the underlay dir.
See the EditedSystemPages page for a list of pages that exist in both
data and underlay directory (use this page as admin!).
When updating from 1.2 or lower to 1.3 or higher, you will want to
clean out the copies of the system pages in your {{{wiki/data}}}
directory. All of these pages will now reside in the underlay
directory. If you have system pages from 1.2 or lower in your
wiki/data/ directory, they will overshadow the more up-to-date
documentation. This can be done using the following manual procedure:
1. You have just converted from 1.2 or lower to post-1.3.
2. Go to your wiki's EditedSystemPages.
3. Find all the pages that are MoinMoin system or help pages. You will
know if it is one of those pages because it is not your page.
4. Check if it is okay to delete by either:
1. Using the this page "info" link and check the Revision History to
see if it is greater than 1. If so, there are modifications, so do
not delete the page and evaluate the modifications to see if they
are necessary.
2. Using your file browser (Windows Explorer, etc) to go to your
wiki/data/<<systemPage>>/revisions/ directory and to see if there
are no modifications. If there are, do not delete the page and
evaluate the modifications to see if they are necessary.
5. Delete that wiki/data/<<systemPage>> using your file browser.
Multiple languages
* New file name quoting method allow 50% longer page names in languages
that use more than one byte per character, like Hebrew, Korean etc.
* Configuration file uses 'utf-8' encoding now. Certain values that are
marked with [Unicode] can use any character in your language. Examples
are page names in navi_bar, page types regular expressions and site name.
* For configuration examples adopted to your language, check ConfigMarket
in the MoinMoin wiki.
* The system and help pages that come with moin are now in utf-8.
* MissingPage system page localized, should display in your language.
* We did many i18n (translation) updates.
* CSS file use utf-8 encoding. User css is also expected to be utf-8.
This is relevant only if you use non-ASCII values in the CSS file.
* config.upperletters and config.lowerletters were removed.
We now use a pre-made ucs-2 spanning set and you usually don't have to
change it. See MoinMoin/util/ if you're interested.
* ACL works with any user name or group name in any language, even names
with spaces.
* Now you can use any charset in config.charset. Note: only utf-8 is
a supported configuration!
* Improved url handling, now creating pages directly from the browser
url box with non-ascii names works in most cases, even when
config.charset is not utf-8.
* When using non-utf-8 config.charset, characters in URLs that does
fit in the charsets are replaced with "?" (instead of crashing).
* All themes and most macros and actions are Right to Left friendly.
Full RTL support planned for 1.3 release.
* If page language is specified with language processing instruction
the page is displayed in the correct direction. Pages without
language are displayed using the wiki default_lang.
Multiple configurations
* You can run multiple wikis from the same wiki directory or server.
For example, you can run one Twisted server that serve multiple wikis,
instead of running multiple servers. Samples of the new configuration
are supplied in wiki/config/*.
* You can't just use your old file. It is now called and the config variables now have to be in a class
"Config" and that class must inherit from
MoinMoin.multiconfig.DefaultConfig - see the provided
sample for details.
This is very useful, e.g. you could derive a GermanConfig from
DefaultConfig. After that, you can derive configs for wikiA and wikiB
from that GermanConfig.
* contains a mapping attribute called "wikis" with pairs of
wikiconfig module name and regular expression. The regular expression
is matched against the URL of the request and the first matching entry
determines the config module to be imported by MoinMoin.
* If you use's "wikis" mapping, then any wiki has a private
config module, named after the wiki - e.g. wiki named moinmoin would
* If you only have a single wiki, you do not need just make
a and it will be used no matter what URL is requested.
* There is one common global "config" that holds sitewide settings (like
umask or charset) - you do not need to change settings there.
This file is located in the MoinMoin code: MoinMoin/
General configuration
* SecurityPolicy now uses "write" instead of "edit" (so it is may.write
now). This is to get it in sync with ACLs.
* SecurityPolicy now automatically can use everything in acl_rights_valid.
* There is a new config option "config_check_enabled". It will warn about
any unknown variable name (probably typo) to stderr or error.log.
If something doesn't work at all and changing the config does no
difference, switch it on and look at the error message.
* The sample config file comes with config_check_enabled = 1. If you
introduce additional variables yourself, you definitely want to switch
that check off or it will fill your log.
* If you define "page_front_page" variable, this name will show in the
navigation bar now, instead of the default "FrontPage".
New search engine
* Full text and title search do support multiple search terms now -
see HelpOnSearching for details.
* Regular expressions are still supported but have to be turned on per
search term. Search terms in macros using regular expressions will have
to be fixed.
* The URL interface of the search engine has also changed. Links that
point directly to search actions may be broken.
User names
* User names can not use group names, even if ACLs are not enabled.
This will prevent error later, if you start to use acl in the future
(acl is going to be mandatory in 1.5).
* User names are not restricted any more to only CamelCase.
* To prevent imposing as other users, leading, trailing and multiple
whitespace in user names is not allowed. Only Unicode alpha numeric
characters are allowed, with optional one space character between
* When a user name with a group name or "bad" name is trying to
access the wiki, he is redirected to the UserPreferences page and
asked to create a new account.
* When trying to login or create a new account with a bad name,
correct error message is displayed in all cases.
* You can not use your old moin.cgi file, as we removed
(was deprecated since 1.2). Copy the new file from the server dir.
Moin servers - Twisted and standalone
* Configuration self checking on startup. Will raise an error in case
of bad configuration or non-accessible directories.
* Both use shorter and identical configuration options.
* Server scripts contain detailed comments and examples.
* Configuration defaults changed to fit most users.
* There is memory profiler option for debugging, switched off by default.
* If you perform a standard install, server scripts should run out
of the box or with minimal change.
Twisted server
* All code moved into the new server package, the server script
contains only configuration options.
* Listen to more than one interface with "interfaces" list.
* Code updated to new Twisted API.
* Use mointwisted script to start and stop the server, using
"mointwisted start" and "mointwisted stop".
* The Twisted server runs as daemon by default.
* All moin Twisted files are called now mointwisted instead of
* Fixed getting username from Twisted request (http auth)
Standalone server
* Configuration moved from to
* If run as root, you can set both user and group for the server.
* Can use logfile instead of logging to stderr.
* Fixed missing unquoting of query string (caused problems in rare cases).
mod_python server
* moin_modpy server files renamed to moinmodpy.
Wiki Markup
* '''strong''', ''em'' and __underline__ have now paragraph scope. You can
set these attributes on words level. For multiple paragraphs, wrap each
with needed markup.
* If you leave unclosed ''', '' and __ markup, its is closed when the
paragraph ends.
User interface
* Due to many changes in CSS files, the wiki may look "broken" until
your reload once or twice, or empty your browser cache.
* The "Send mail notification" checkbox is replaced by "Trivial change"
checkbox. The default behavior did not change - regular edit is not
a trivial change, and mail will be sent to subscribes. If you check
trivial change, mail will be sent only to users who selected to
get trivial changes in their user preferences.
* New theme "modern" has been added, and used as default theme.
* classic and rightsidebar improved.
* viewonly theme removed, as any theme can be use now as viewonly
by using acl All:read in the wikiconfig.
* All themes use new navibar, displaying both wiki links, user links
and the current page.
* navibar and pagetrail use now shortened page names, so very long
names does not break the interface visually.
* All themes have improved search interface at the top of the window.
* Only avaiable actions are displayed, so most situations when a user
try to do something he can't do are prevented.
* When creating a new page, no action is available until the page
is created. You can't attach files to non-existing page any more.
* Non registered users get a "login" link. Registered uses get
"username" link to their home page, and "user preferences" link.
* Messages more clear using bold type, designed by css.
* Few useless messages removed (but there are many more)
* Default wiki logo uses the wiki name instead of the MoinMoin troll
Other fixes and changes
* Most generated html code is valid "html 4 strict". There are still
some problems that still have to be fixed, mainly macros, table
attributes, and inline markup crossing (<a><b></a></b>).
* WantedPages can include and exclude system pages, which makes it
much more useful.
* Fixed a bug in TitleIndex where not all system pages are excluded.
* RenamePage action now renames everything, including backups, page
history, attachments. It does not change toplevel editlog, though.
After you rename a page, you are redirected to the new page.
* Syntax colorization supports more languages (Java, C++, Pascal)
* Inline: display of attachments was extended. A Parser now knows which
extensions it can handle.
* TableOfContents and Include macros now cooperate a bit better. There
are still problems with multiple Includes of the same page.
* Excluded actions at bottom of page are not displayed any more.
* Editor: removed the columns size setting, just using 100% of browser
window width (it didn't work because of that anyway). Also removed that
"reduce editor size" link at top of editor as you would lose your
changes when using it.
* Removed the option to choose text smileys instead of images, this made
more trouble than it was worth. The text version is still given in ALT
* Moved stuff from contribution/ to MacroMarket page on MoinMoin wiki
* Some nasty people try to use a running moin as a proxy (at least they
did on, maybe due to the magic port
number). We changed the code to check for that and just return 403
in that case. Moin can not be used as a proxy anyway.
* moin.cgi?test was removed in favor of a new buildin test
action. It works for all deployments, just use ?action=test.
* Sending mail does use tls if server supports it.
3rd party developer notes
* Themes should be now sub class of MoinMoin.theme.ThemeBase. Sub
classes will get automatically all new improved user interface
elements for free.
* Theme authors should update their theme for 1.3. Some keys removed
from them dict. See ThemeBase class in MoinMoin/theme/
* Actions writers should call request.setContentLangauge with the
correct language used by the action. This enable themes and other
code to use correct direction.
* The Formatter interface was changed. Formatters and parsers using
the formatter interface have to be adjusted.
* started deprecation of Processors: they are still recognized, but
implementors should start to rewrite their Processors as Parsers.
A processor with the same name as a parser in a pre ! section is
currently preferred. This will change in the next release.
Deprecation notes
* Processors are deprecated, see section above.
* Using the cookie (or the login url with ID) only and not setting (or
setting and not remembering) your email/password in UserPreferences
is DEPRECATED. Those quite unsecure methods will likely be dropped
in next moin version.
* Operating with acl_enabled = 0 is also DEPRECATED. Due to some other
improvements planned, we will have to operate with ACLs enabled ONLY
in a future moin version, so this setting will likely be dropped.
So clean up your user accounts (see and switch ACLs
on NOW.
There are no drawbacks, so you will like it. Having ACLs enabled
doesn't mean you really have to USE them on wiki pages...
* allow_extended_names = 0 is deprecated (default was/is 1).
Future versions will be able to use extended names (aka free links) in
any case and the config setting will be removed.
* allow_subpages = 0 is deprecated (default was/is 1).
Future versions will be able to use subpages in any case and the config
setting will be removed.
* attachments = {...} - we would like to remove that setting because of
several reasons:
* when not being extremely careful, this can easily lead to security
problems (like when uploading a .php exploit and then executing it
by accessing it directly via web server)
* makes code more complicated - code that we want to change completely
in next version
If you need that feature, speak up now and tell us your reasons WHY you
need it.