Happy to release Mongo-Thingy 0.16.0, that has quite a few interesting features!
* [Mongomock-Motor](https://github.com/michaelkryukov/mongomock_motor) has been added to the list of supported backends.
* You can now play with camel case data without giving up on snake case in your Python code. 🤯
The new `CamelCase` mixin translates attributes accesses from snake case to camel case. For example, `thingy.foo_bar` will access the `fooBar` field of the document. Just add the mixin to your class signature and you're good to go!
* Views could already be applied on cursors, but not at a later stage (i.e. when the cursor is exhausted). You can now apply views on result lists as well:
>>> users = User.find().to_list(None) Note the `to_list(None)` here! Users are now fetched and in memory.
>>> for credentials in users.view("credentials"):
... print(credentials)
{'username': 'MrFoo', 'password': 't0ps3cr3t'}
{'username': 'MrsBar', 'password': '123456789'}
This works because we now wrap results in a `list` subclass named `ThingyList`, meaning that you can extend that class to implement your own operations on result lists!
* Mongo-Thingy now exposes most of the PyMongo collection write methods directly at the `Thingy` level, such as `Thingy.update_one`. You don't need to play with `Thingy.collection` anymore when you want to run optimized queries.
Thanks to our new contributor Flowtter for his work on that release!
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Refty/mongo-thingy/compare/0.15.1...0.16.0