This really should have been a minor release instead of a bug fix version increment as it breaks compatibility with previous releases - however since the changes relate entirely to the factory model which is not currently documented or promoted we should be safe as I believe that's only being used internally at Getme.
**Changes:** - Presets have been removed as a concept from factories (with hindsight they were more trouble than they were worth). - Added `document` property to makers which is set to the current target document when blueprints are using makers to assemble or finish a document.
Support for reassembling fields in previously assembled documents/dictionaries has been added to the `Factory` and `Blueprint` classes. This helps make it simpler to update fake data with new instructions without having to assemble everything from scratch which is more time consuming and can break existing tests.
_Changes:_ - Added `RandomReference` maker to allow the `_id` or a document from a specified collection to be selected at random, optionally with a constraint. - Removed the issue where `insert_many` would only accept documents that did not have `_id` values.
**Changes:** - New interface for blueprints, `Blueprint` classes are now defined as static classes and instructions as attributes not a separate dictionary. - Added `Int` maker class. - Added `Float` maker class.