* Added support for `column_property()` * `nplus1loader` is not an optional dependency. Install it if you want `raiseload_col()` * Tested with SqlAlchemy 1.3.21-23 and Python 3.9 * Migrated to Poetry
* Proper handling of deferred columns: projections overwrite them
* Fixed a bug with joining self-referential relationships * Tested with SqlAlchemy 1.3.20
* Removed the `raiseload_col()` and imported the implementation from `nplus1loader`. That's a new dependency. * Tested with SqlAlchemy 1.3.16
* Tested with SqlAlchemy 1.3.12-15 * Fixed an issue with MongoSQL not detecting `TypeDecorator()`-wrapped JSON columns as JSON
* Support string input for: `project`, `sort`, `group`, `join`, `joinf`. Previously, they only accepted arrays or objects. Now, they also accept strings: whitespace-separated as a list of columns. * Tested with SqlAlchemy 1.3.11