
Latest version: v1.13.1

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* mooda.read_nc_emodnet()
* Delete column 'POSITION_QC' to allow to open bigger size files.


New methods:

* mooda.iplot_location()
* mooda.iplot_timeseries()


New version developed from the scratch



Classes of mooda

* WaterFrame
* IFig: Create interactive plots from your WaterFrame with Plotly.

Classes of mooda.access

* EGIM: Download data from EMSODEV with the Data Management Portal API and create a WaterFrame.
* Hobo: Create a WaterFrame from files of [HOBO Data Loggers](
* Licor: Create a WaterFrame from files of [LI-COR Data Loggers](
* Pangaea: Download data from [PANGAEA]( with its API and create a WaterFrame.
* SeaAndSun: Create a WaterFrame from files of [Sea and Sun CTDs](
* SeaBird: Create a WaterFrame from files of [Sea-Bird](
* Bodc: Create a WaterFrame from NetCDF files of [BODC](
* OOI: Create a WaterFrame from NetCDF files of [OOI](





Some bugs fixed.

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