- Enhance build workflow to include style checks and syntax validation for HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
- Now displays album and artist info when browsing tracks. (Addresses: `99 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/99>`_).
- Now remembers which backend was searched previously, and automatically selects that backend as the default search target.
(Addresses: `130 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/130>`_).
- Upgrade Media Progress Timer to version 3.0.0.
- Now retrieves album cover and artist images using MusicBrainzID, if available.
- New configuration parameter ``on_track_click`` can be used to customize the action that is performed when the
user clicks on a track in a list. Valid options are: ``PLAY_NOW``, ``PLAY_NEXT``, ``ADD_THIS_BOTTOM``,
``ADD_ALL_BOTTOM``, ``PLAY_ALL`` (default), and ``DYNAMIC`` (repeats last action).
(Addresses: `133 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/133>`_).
- Optimized updating of 'now playing' icons in tracklists.
(Addresses: `184 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/184>`_).
- Optimized rendering of large lists of tracks to make UI more responsive.
- Added 'Folder' FontAwesome icon on the Browse pane for browsing the filesystem.
- New icons for 'PLAY' and 'PLAY_ALL' actions. In general, icons with an empty background will perform an action only
on the selected track, while icons with a filled background will apply the action to all tracks in the list.
- Standardize popup dialog layout convention: Sentence fragments have no punctuation, buttons that confirm a
destructive action go on the left.
- Don't create Mopidy models manually. (Fixes: `172 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/172>`_).
- Context menu is now available for all tracks in browse pane. (Fixes: `126 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/126>`_).
- last.fm artist image lookups should now always return the correct image for similarly named artists.
- Ensure that browsed tracks are always added to the queue using the track URI rather than the track's position in the folder.
(Fixes: `124 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/124>`_).
- Fixed an issue where searches would be performed as soon as the user switches to the 'Search' pane,
instead of waiting for the 'Search!' button to be clicked.
- Fixed an issue where the last track in an album was not grouped properly with the rest of the results, and would have
a small divider rendered above it. (Fixes: `196 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/196>`_).
- Replaced JavaScript confirmation prompt on 'Streams' pane with jQuery equivalent.
(Fixes: `191 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/191>`_).
- Clearing the queue should no longer trigger an album cover image lookup.
(Fixes: `201 <https://github.com/pimusicbox/mopidy-musicbox-webclient/issues/201>`_).
- Update icons and labels for podcast, podcast-gpodder, and podcast-itunes backends.