* New itertools:
* :func:`consecutive_groups` (Based on the example in the `Python 2.4 docs <https://docs.python.org/release/2.4.4/lib/itertools-example.html>`_)
* :func:`seekable` (If you're looking for how to "reset" an iterator,
you're in luck!)
* :func:`exactly_n` (thanks to michael-celani)
* :func:`run_length.encode` and :func:`run_length.decode`
* :func:`difference`
* Improvements to existing itertools:
* The number of items between filler elements in :func:`intersperse` can
now be specified (thanks to pylang)
* :func:`distinct_permutations` and :func:`peekable` got some minor
adjustments (thanks to MSeifert04)
* :func:`always_iterable` now returns an iterator object. It also now
allows different types to be considered iterable (thanks to jaraco)
* :func:`bucket` can now limit the keys it stores in memory
* :func:`one` now allows for custom exceptions (thanks to kalekundert)
* Other changes:
* A few typos were fixed (thanks to EdwardBetts)
* All tests can now be run with ``python setup.py test``
The major version update is due to the change in the return value of :func:`always_iterable`.
It now always returns iterator objects:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from more_itertools import always_iterable
Non-iterable objects are wrapped with iter(tuple(obj))
>>> always_iterable(12345)
<tuple_iterator object at 0x7fb24c9488d0>
>>> list(always_iterable(12345))
Iterable objects are wrapped with iter()
>>> always_iterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
<list_iterator object at 0x7fb24c948c50>