- **BREAKING CHANGE** Move to class-based application registries. This
breaks old code and it needs to be updated. The update is not
difficult and amounts to:
* subclass ``morepath.App`` instead of instantiating it to create a
new app. Use subclasses for extension too.
* To get a WSGI object you can plug into a WSGI server, you need to
instantiate the app class first.
Old way::
app = morepath.App()
So, the ``app`` object that you use directives on is an
instance. New way::
class app(morepath.App):
So, now it's a class. The directives look the same as before, so this
hasn't changed::
def foo_default(self, request):
To extend an application with another one, you used to have to pass
the ``extends`` arguments. Old way::
sub_app = morepath.App(extends=[core_app])
This has now turned into subclassing. New way::
class sub_app(core_app):
There was also a ``variables`` argument to specify an application
that can be mounted. Old way::
app = morepath.App(variables=['foo'])
This is now a class attribute. New way::
class app(morepath.App):
variables = ['foo']
The ``name`` argument to help debugging is gone; we can look at the
class name now. The ``testing_config`` argument used internally in
the Morepath tests has also become a class attribute.
In the old system, the application object was both configuration
point and WSGI object. Old way::
app = morepath.App()
In the Morepath 0.4 this has been split. As we've already seen, the
application *class* serves. To get a WSGI object, you need to first
*instantiate* it. New way::
class app(morepath.App):
To mount an application manually with variables, we used to need the
special ``mount()`` method. Old way::
mounted_wiki_app = wiki_app.mount(wiki_id=3)
In the new system, mounting is done during instantiation of the app::
mounted_wiki_app = wiki_app(wiki_id=3)
Class names in Python are usually spelled with an upper case. In the
Morepath docs the application object has been spelled with a lower
case. We've used lower-case class names for application objects even
in the updated docs for example code, but feel free to make them
upper-case in your own code if you wish.
Why this change? There are some major benefits to this change:
* both extending and mounting app now use natural Python mechanisms:
subclassing and instantation.
* it allows us to expose the facility to create new directives to
the API. You can create application-specific directives.
- You can define your own directives on your applications using the
``directive`` directive::
This exposes details of the configuration system which is
underdocumented for now; study the ``morepath.directive`` module
source code for examples.
- Document how to use more.static to include static resources into
your application.
- Add a ``recursive=False`` option to the config.scan method. This
allows the non-recursive scanning of a package. Only its
``__init__.py`` will be scanned.
- To support scanning a single module non-recursively we need a
feature that hasn't landed in mainline Venusian yet, so depend on
Venusifork for now.
- A small optimization in the publishing machinery. Less work is done
to update the generic function lookup context during routing.