
Latest version: v0.4.0

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First release of 0.3.x series.


Last 0.2 non-napari version

This release fixes a number of issues related to an update in how ipywidget displays outputs. This release is the last one not including napari for interactive work and supporting the interactive plots interface. In later versions, segmentation and windowing can be run via a napari plugin and support for complex interactive plots is dropped because of difficulties to maintain the code and to offer simple solutions to customize and export plots.


This is the last release where segmentation and analysis folders cannot be handled separately, forcing the multiple copy of segmentation data. This is also the last release based on Cellpose using Mxnet.


This is the last version where computations are done fully in memory.


This is the first stable version of the software, which includes thorough documentation of classes and functions.



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