**This release has been yanked, please skip directly to Composer v0.18.1**
New Features
1. Improved DTensor Support
Composer now supports elastic saving and loading of DTensors at various mesh sizes.
2. Checkpoint Saving and Loading from Databricks MLFlow
Composer now supports saving and loading checkpoints to Databricks-managed MLFlow.
composer_model = MyComposerModel(...)
trainer = Trainer(
save_folder= 'dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-tracking/{mlflow_experiment_id}/{mlflow_run_id}/artifacts',
load_path= 'dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-tracking/{mlflow_experiment_id}/{mlflow_run_id}/artifacts',
Bug Fixes
* Fix load_ignore_keys with rng by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2803
* Fix mosaicml logger on close by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2816
* Fix torch profiler error on close by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2818
* Fix import for daily test by snarayan21 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2826
* [S] Fix how single value tensors are logged by aspfohl in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2831
* Remove fused layernorm (already deprecated for 2 versions) by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2827
What's Changed
* Bump transformers version by dakinggg in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2781
* Bump sphinxext-opengraph from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2784
* Bump coverage[toml] from 7.3.0 to 7.3.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2783
* Update torch requirement from <2.1.2,>=1.13.1 to >=1.13.1,<2.1.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2785
* [UCVolumes] Rely on databricks-sdk auth for the right requirements by panchalhp-db in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2789
* Enable system metrics in mosaic mlflow logger by chenmoneygithub in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2775
* Update parse_uri by irenedea in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2787
* default to no torch profiler memory timeline by cli99 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2790
* Add eot token to ICL generate kwargs by bmosaicml in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2782
* Add nightly image for torch 2.2.0-12-20-23 by j316chuck in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2791
* Add torch nightly 12-13 by j316chuck in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2792
* Add process group as arg to FSDP by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2794
* Bump coverage[toml] from 7.3.3 to 7.3.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2798
* Fix load_ignore_keys with rng by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2803
* Bump ipykernel from 6.26.0 to 6.28.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2806
* Bump junitparser from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2805
* Bump pytest from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2807
* Avoid futures on close for MosaicML logger by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2804
* Require sync module states with HSDP by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2812
* Better communication computation overlap by snarayan21 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2811
* Improve error message for speed monitor by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2801
* Bump torch version -- DO NOT RELEASE by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2814
* Bump torchvision for nightly by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2815
* Fix mosaicml logger on close by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2816
* Correct multi-unshard stream patching for torch 2.2.0dev, and stream waiting correctness. by snarayan21 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2817
* Fix torch profiler error on close by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2818
* Bump traitlets from 5.13.0 to 5.14.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2822
* All unshard streams wait on computation every step by snarayan21 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2823
* Add encoding=utf-8 by dakinggg in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2824
* Fix import for daily test by snarayan21 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2826
* [MLFlowObjectStore] [1/2] Base implementation for MLFlowObjectStore by jerrychen109 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2802
* Remove fused layernorm (already deprecated for 2 versions) by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2827
* checkpoint saver tracks all checkpoints/intervals in state by aspfohl in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2819
* code-quality timeout update by aspfohl in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2830
* [S] Fix how single value tensors are logged by aspfohl in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2831
* Adds DTensor Support by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2821
* Remove duplicate checkpoint verifications by eracah in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2828
* Fix seed for FSDP wrap by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2833
* Remove fsdp patch for comm overlap by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2836
* Allow hsdp by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2838
* Bump torch 2.1.2 by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2840
* Upgrade pyright to 1.1.310 by b-chu in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2841
* [MLFlowObjectStore] [2/2] Support checkpointing with MLFlow by jerrychen109 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2810
* update nightly to torch 2.3 by j316chuck in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2842
* Pin sphinxcontrib applehelp by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2854
* Fix torch bump by j316chuck in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2855
* Torch 2.3 patch by dakinggg in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2849
* Update mosaicml-cli requirement from <0.6,>=0.5.25 to >=0.5.25,<0.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2866
* Rewrite to use individual state functions by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2860
* Add custom stopping criteria to ICL generate tasks by bmosaicml in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2800
* Add save_ignore_keys by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2868
* Remome log debug by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2871
* Update monkeypatch to put barrier in optim load by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2874
* Remove toml by b-chu in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2872
* Update license by b-chu in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2875
* Add ignore_metrics field to the MLflow logger by ngcgarcia in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2869
* Convert print to log.info by mvpatel2000 in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2876
New Contributors
* jerrychen109 made their first contribution in https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/pull/2802
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/mosaicml/composer/compare/v0.17.2...v0.18.0