> 🌠 The new generation is here! mov-cli [V4](https://pypi.org/project/mov-cli/) release!
mov-cli v4 is a complete rewrite of v3 with a fresh codebase built from the ground up to be simultaneously used as a cli tool and library for your applications. (However, do note the library side of it is still alpha, so wait for it to mature before going head over heels).
There's so many changes and features to list down so I'll filter it down to the relevant ones.
:star: New Features
- Improved command line interface and UX. ✨

- Persistent configuration via our ``toml`` file. --> [wiki](https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/wiki/Configuration), [config.template.toml](https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/blob/v4/mov_cli/config.template.toml)
- You can now write your own scrapers thanks to the plugin system --> https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/pull/236
- mov-cli's internals can now be used as a library 📚 -> https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/issues/188#issuecomment-1783967775
- Custom player support. Use any media player your heart desires. :heart: --> https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/issues/195#issuecomment-1784184713
- ⚡ Rapid search results, v4 was designed to stream the search results to [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) instead of waiting until all the results have been gathered. **Check out the video below** and also you can read more about this over here: https://github.com/dahlia/iterfzf#key-features
[!rapid search showcase](https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/assets/66202304/ce88c612-b12d-40d1-9abe-c42146674450)
- Fzf is now optional, you don't need it but it's recommended. We now have a nice fallback thanks to [inquirer](https://github.com/magmax/python-inquirer).
- First-class support for Android, Windows and Linux. 🌟
**and we are working on many more...**
🐞 Bug Fixes
- VLC media player has been fixed and is first party support in v4. 🎊 219
- _and literally everything else lmao_
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- r3tr0ananas
- EbanNox
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<img width="700px" src="https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/assets/66202304/2fc6e40e-5637-4828-9a9d-4d105eeb53b7">
> thanks EbanNox for the logo banner
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/mov-cli/mov-cli/compare/1.5.7...4.0.4