
Latest version: v3.6

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New Features

* Allow one to pass optional arguments when opening a FITS file, using the
``fits_kwargs`` parameter.

* Allow one to write ``CHECKSUM``/``DATASUM`` when saving a FITS file (use
``checksum=True``). [:pull:`53`]

* ``Image`` and ``Spectrum`` objects keep now by default the type of the FITS
data (like ``Cube``). [:pull:`50`]

* Add ``dtype`` property to Data classes (Spectrum/Image/Cube).

* Add ``WCS`` naxis1/naxis2 properties which uses naxis from the underlying wcs

* Determine the reference frame from the primary header if possible and don't
force it if not found in the primary header. HST and MUSE files usually have
the EQUINOX/RADESYS/RADECSYS keywords only in the primary header, which cause
MPDAF to use ICRS instead of FK5. [:pull:`47`] Add reference frame in ````.

* Enhance ``fftconvolve`` and add this method for ``Cube``. [:pull:`52`]

* New method `MUSE.get_FSF_from_cube_keywords
<mpdaf.MUSE.get_FSF_from_cube_keywords>` which creates a cube of FSFs
corresponding to the keywords presents in the MUSE data cube primary header.

* Add small utility function to create field maps.

* Make ``zscale`` available from ````.

* Move tests and data inside the MPDAF package so that they are installed with

* Replace nosetest with py.test to run test.

Breaking changes

* ``Spectrum`` methods that return a value of flux or magnitude, return
now a tuple (value, error). This breaking change concerns: ``flux2mag``,
``mean``, ``sum``, ``integrate``, ``abmag_band``, ``abmag_filter_name``,

* Forbid the use of several (not implemented) methods in ``CubeMosaic``.

* Remove ``WCS.set_naxis`` methods.


* Remove ``WCS.set_naxis`` methods.

* Add ``WCS`` naxis1/naxis2 properties which uses naxis from the underlying wcs

* Determine the reference frame from the primary header if possible and don't
force it if not found in the primary header. HST and MUSE files usually have
the EQUINOX/RADESYS/RADECSYS keywords only in the primary header, which cause
mpdaf to use ICRS instead of FK5. Add reference frame in ````.

* Simplify ``deg2sexa`` and ``sexa2deg``.

Data classes (Cube, Image, Spectrum)

* Enhance reading from an HDUList without having to specify a filename.

* ``Image`` and ``Spectrum`` objects keep now by default the type of the FITS
data (like ``Cube``).

* Add ``dtype`` property to Data classes (Spectrum/Image/Cube).

* Make ``DataArray[item]`` preserve WCS and/or wavelength info for all legal
item selections. Prior to this patch, if ``c`` was a cube, ``c[10]`` returned
an MPDAF Image that didn't have any WCS information, and ``c[10:20]`` returned
a Cube without either WCS or wavelength information.

* Refactor Spectrum/Image/Cube's methods ``.convolve`` and ``.fftconvolve``,
with variance propagation.

In the previous implementation of Image and Spectrum.fftconvolve(), the shape
of the 'other' array had to match the size of the Image or Spectrum. In the
new version, the 'other' array can be any size up to the size of the MPDAF
object that is being convolved.

The optional ``interp`` argument of ``Image.fftconvolve()`` has been removed.
Filling masked data and variances with zeros for the duration of the
convolution should be sufficient in most cases.


* Set default limits on the x axis for ``Spectrum`` plots.

* Simplify ``Spectrum.correlate``, ``Spectrum.fftconvolve_gauss``,
``Spectrum.median_filter`` and ``Spectrum._interp``.

* Return flux/magnitude error if relevant.

* Rewrote ``Spectrum.resample``: When pixel sizes are being increased
a decimation filtering stage is now used before regridding, whereas the
original behavior was to perform piecewise integrations for each output pixel.
When pixel sizes are being reduced, simple linear interpolation is followed by
decimation filtering.


* Fix ``Image.fwhm`` which was returning twice the FWHM.

* Fix bug which caused resample to change the sign of the X-axis increment.

* Simplify creation of subimages in ``Image.segment``.

* Reduced memory usage in ``Image.truncate``, ``Image.regrid``,
``Image.align_with_image.`` This speeds up ``align_with_image`` significantly.

* Fix exceptions in ``Image.plot`` when ``.wcs`` is None.

* Fix bug that sometimes caused ``Image.plot`` to fail to show the cursor
coordinates of an image.

* Use zscale from Astropy if available (1.2 and later).

* Add method ``.to_ds9()`` to visualize data in ds9 and interact with it (using


* Fix bug in ``Cube.rebin``. [:pull:`471`]

* Improved the method ``bandpass_image``:

- If their isn't a complete overlap between the bandpasses of the filter-curve
and the cube, truncate the filter at the edges of the cube instead of
raising an exception.

- When integrating the filter curve over each wavelength channel of the cube,
use linear interpolation by default, rather than cubic.


* Increase the file reading speed by loading values of dictionaries (spectra,
images, cubes and tables) just if necessary.

* ``CUBE*`` keywords became mandatory:

- ``CUBE``: Name of the MUSE data cube.

- ``CUBE_V``: Cube version.

* Some keywords are renamed:

- ``ORIGIN`` -> ``FROM`` (Name of the software used to detect the source)

- ``ORIGIN_V`` -> ``FROM_V`` (Version of the software used to detect the

- ``SRC_VERS`` -> ``SRC_V`` (Source version)

- ``SOURCE_V`` -> ``FORMAT`` (Version of the mpdaf.sdetect.Source class used
to create the source)

- ``CONFI`` -> ``CONFID`` (Expert confidence index)

* Change format of COMMENT and HISTORY

- ``COM***`` -> ``COMMENT``

- ``HIST***`` -> ``HISTORY``

[Date Author] User comment/History

* Updated ````: comments and histories printed more properly.

* ``extract_spectra``: Add the possibility to extract MOFFAT PSF weighted
spectra in addition to the Gaussian PSF.

* Add primary indexes (with unicity constraint) to `mag['BAND']` and
``z['Z_DESC']`` for simpler indexing.

* Correct behaviour when trying to add image not overlapping with Source [:pull:`482`].


* Optimize catalog initialization by not loading all tables.

* Update the initialization in order to be correct for Numpy arrays and masked

* Make Catalog compatible with Python 3.

* Add comments and histories in catalog generated from a list of Source objects.

* Update Catalog documentation [:pull:`467`]

* Correct issue 466:

- Raise ValueError if astropy.Table try to convert a string to float/int. The
message gives the name of the column.

- Add warning if a keyword has not the same type in all sources but the
conversion is possible.

- ``CUBE_V`` is now a mandatory keyword with the string format.


* Changed default SExtractor parameters (QUIET and no segmentation).

* Little optimization (don't use mask array for the continuum computation, write
NB images with ````, remove ``RuntimeWarning`` warnings).

* muselet now compatible with Python 3.


* Use a more efficient implementation for ``PixTable.sky_ref``.

* Allow one to work on ``PixTable`` object without the ``.filename`` attribute.

* Fix ``PixTable.divide_slice_median``.

* Add repr info for PixTable objects.

* Add unit tests.

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