Added * Fixed wiggle not properly scaling after setting a new figure size
Added * Python 3.13 support Changed * Fix github actions
Added * `examples/` directory for example scripts Changed * 3D plots now accurately account for roll angle and elevation Removed * Python 3.9 support
Added * `StereoSquare2D` and `StereoSquare3D` classes for making a 2x2 grid showing all stereogram types at once - side-by-side, anaglyph, and wiggle * Can specify a target axis for wiggle stereograms * Numpy 2.0 compatibility Changed * Fix `Axes3D.plot()` and `.plot3D()` not working for 3D plotting
Note: v0.8.0 never published to PyPI, skipped. Added * `imshow_stereo()` now has a `crop` keyword argument to crop the images to the same size if they are different, keeping the center of the image * Automated publishing to PyPI via github actions
Changed * Fixed 3D cross-view stereograms * Fix cross-view anaglyphs by forcing all ipds to be positive