
Latest version: v0.6

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Updated dependency to Matplotlib 3.1 (``Annotation.{get,set}_anncoords``),
and thus Python 3.6, numpy 1.11.
- Display value in annotation for colormapped scatter plots.
- Improve formatting of image values.
- The add/remove callbacks no longer rely on Matplotlib's
:class:`~matplotlib.cbook.CallbackRegistry`. `Cursor.connect` now returns
the callback itself (simplifying its use as a decorator).
`Cursor.disconnect` now takes two arguments: the event name and the callback
function. Strong references are kept for the callbacks.
- Overlapping annotations are now removed one at a time.
- Re-clicking on an already selected point does not create a new annotation
(patch suggested by schneeammer).
- :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection`\s are now pickable (on their
borders) (patch modified from a PR by secretyv).
- Support :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection`\s where
:meth:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection.get_offset_transform()` is not
``transData`` (patch suggested by yt87).
- Support setting both ``hover`` and ``multiple``.
- The ``artist`` attribute of Selections is correctly set to the
:class:`~matplotlib.container.Container` when picking a
:class:`~matplotlib.container.Container`, rather than to the internally used



No new features; test suite updated for compatibility with Matplotlib 3.0.

Miscellaneous bugfixes.



- Updated dependency to Matplotlib 2.1 (2.0 gives more information about
orientation of bar plots; 2.1 improves the handling of step plots).
- Setting :envvar:`MPLCURSORS` hooks `Figure.draw
<matplotlib.figure.Figure.draw>` (once per figure only) instead of `
<>`, thus supporting figures created after the first
call to ` <>`.
- Automatic positioning and alignment of annotation text.
- Selections on images now have an index as well.
- Selections created on :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` plots,
:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar` plots, and
:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.polar` plots can now be moved.
- :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`\s not created by
:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` are now picked as paths, not as
collections of points.
- :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch`\es now pick on their borders, not their
- Improved picking of :class:`~matplotlib.container.Container`\s.
- In hover mode, annotations can still be removed by right-clicking.

Miscellaneous bugfixes.



- First public release.

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