
Latest version: v0.2.8

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Authors: np1

[Feature] Added Pafy.oggstreams and Pafy.m4astreams codec specific stream lists
[Feature] Added Pafy.dimensions attribute to return resolution as a 2-tuple
[Feature] Added Pafy.rawbitrate attribute for more precise bitrates of audio streams
[Feature] Added Pafy.threed attribute to reflect whether a stream is 3D
[Feature] Added Stream.__repr__() to output more meaningful info when printing Stream objects
[Bugfix] Fix for getbest() and getbestaudio() returning wrong filetype in some cases
[Bugfix] Fixed some incorrect reporting of resolutions
[Docs] Using reStructured text instead of GitHub markdown for README
[Docs] Added full documentation at


19 October 2013


Authors: np1

[Feature] Added support for audio-only stream download (m4a and ogg vorbis)
[Feature] Added support for video-only stream download (m4v)
[Feature] Added bitrate property for audio streams
[Feature] Added quality property to return bitrate or resolution depending on stream type (audio or video)
[Feature] Updated ytdl command line tool to incorporate download choices from above streams
[Feature] Added getbestaudio() function to automatically select best quality audio stream
[Bugfix] Allow downloading of videos with no title
[Docs] Updated documentation for pafy and ytdl demonstrating usage of above features (
[Docs] Added this changelog file


This version should be fully backward compatible with the previous version.
Pafy objects retain the pafy.streams list containing regular streams as before (video + audio)
In addition, there are now two new stream lists;
pafy.audiostreams is a list of audio only streams (m4a and ogg vorbis where available)
pafy.videostreams is a list of video only streams (m4v)
Further, there is a pafy.allstreams list containing the union of all three aforementioned lists


17 February 2018


- Lastfm scrobbling (rien333) (758)
- `splaylist` and `suser` commands for Spotify (ritiek) (678)
- Autoplay support (nikhilweee) (594)
- `genpl` command (nishanthkarthik) (642)
- `video_format` configuration setting (Vrihub) (656)
- `live` command for live streams (Razesdark) (635)
- Add time column (akaWolf) (582)
- Add video ID column (Razesdark) (627)
- Allow filtering search by duration (jas32096) (548)
- Allow filtering search by date (jas32096) (553)
- Add `history recent` to display history without duplicates (srvanrell) (510)
- `--no-textart` to disable ascii art (for screenreaders) (Gongreg) (517)
- `set_title` option to disable setting window title (ardrabczyk) (498)
- Add `s` command for getting stream information (ritiek) (675)
- Add option to disable mpris (hrnr) (728)
- Generate playlist from video description (Razesdark) (649)

- Store playlists as m3u files instead of binary (kraetzin) (682)
- Show replies when displaying comments (paulfertser) (677)
- Use https urls for album art (vszakats) (574)
- When using "repeat" with mpv, keep player running (ritiek) (660)
- Display artist/album in mpris using lastfm (vn-ki) (739)
- Use channel.list API for user search (Razesdark) (628)
- Maintain volume across songs with mpv (Razesdark) (720)
- Prevent mpris from crashing the main process (hrnr) (728)

Bug fixes:
- Fix mpris seeking with recent mpv vesions (mg6) (687)
- Fix removing video from multi-page playlist (kraetzin) (695)
- Skip unavailable tracks (ritiek) (734)
- Correctly display minutes/seconds (Laxa) (748)
- Handle `null` time-pos from mpv (pritambaral) (519)
- Fix da/dv command regex (Vrihub) (691)
- Skip channels in video/playlist searches (ritiek) (664)
- Fix divide by zero error (ids1024) (620)

Use `git log v0.2.7.1..v0.2.8` to see all changes, including various minor
fixes, documentation changes, etc. not included here.


6 July 2016

Bug fixes:
- Fix pickle error (ids1024) (503)
- Install LICENSE,, and CHANGELOG as package_data (ids1024)
- Update youtube-dl in py2exe build (ids1024)



27 June 2016

- Setting for default audio format (nishanthkarthik) (71 466 467)
- Search history with `history` command (kraetzin) (344 472)
- Add syntax for repeating a track several times (ghallak) (437 490)
- Reverse command (kraetzin) (422 473)
- New `daurl <url>` command (maricn) (402)

- Pass `--no-ytdl` to mpv (ids1024) (492)
- Do not suppress mpv output in debug mode (ids1024)
- Print traceback in debug mode (ids1024)
- Speed up `checkupdate` by avoiding redirects (ids1024) (454)
- Pass `--play-and-exit` if vlc is used as a player (ids1024)`

Bug fixes:
- Fix error with python 3.3 (ids1024) (414)
- Fix maxres bug (ids1024) (430)
- Fix playlist cache bug in info command (ids1024) (468)
- Fix usersearch argument error (ids1024) (469 482)
- Fix progress bar with new mpv versions (ids1024) (470 485)
- Fix syntax error with set command (ids1024) (419)
- Fix syntax error with -w, -f, -a (ids1024) (420)
- Fix clipboard support (ids1024) (461)
- Fix mpv version checking on windows (ids1024) (397)
- Add youtube_dl as dependency to Dockerfile (PI-Victor) (481)

Internal api changes:
- The code is now split between several files (ids1024) (208)
- Add initial content api, for now only used for comments (ids1024)
- Begin documenting internal apis using sphinx (ids1024)



1 January 2016

- Add browserplay command to play video in browser (rjvani) (355 390)
- Make url command support multiple url, and allow loading urls from file
(paulnicolet) (90 391)
- Make youtube id available to download command (ids1024) (375)
- Make pagination work properly for all lists of songs (local playlists, etc.)
and make them all support the dump command (ids1024) (201)
- Show warning when adding duplicate track to playlist (BensonQiu) (374 383)

Bug fixes:
- Support playlists longer than 200 items (ids1024) (192)
- Make dapl download complete playlist (JKatzwinkel) (294 325)
- Use pyperclip instead of xerox, fixing clipboard on linux (ids1024) (311)
- Fix error message on windows when video title has & (ids1024) (321)
- Run notifier command in background (hrnr) (339)
- Correctly handle -v option of play (TimoDritschler) (352)
- Make it possible to use a pager with --help (livingBEEF) (349)
- Allow mplayer for https streams if version is new enough
(ids1024 Evidlo paddatrapper) (315 336 317)
- Use instead of mpv.exe on windows (ids1024)

Internal API changes:
- Split code into several files (still a work in progress) (ids1024) (208)
- Use a python decorator to declare commands (ids1024)
- Create a paginatesongs() function for handling the pagination and dump
command uniformly as mentioned in features (399) (ids1024)
- Various others

There have been various other small bug fixes and internal API changes. Use
`git log v0.2.5..0.2.6` to see all of them.


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