
Latest version: v3.1.16-3

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version 3 of the protocol.

Support includes:

* Sending 'python' as the platform.
* The 'tags' option (on all constructors that support options).
* Updated authentication header.

Additionally, the following has changed:

* Configuring the client with an empty DSN value will disable sending of messages.
* All clients should now check ``Client.is_enabled()`` to verify if they should send data.
* ``Client.create_from_text`` and ``Client.create_from_exception`` have been removed.
* ``Client.message`` and ``Client.exception`` have been removed.
* The ``key`` setting has been removed.
* The ``DEBUG`` setting in Django no longer disables Raven.
* The ``register_signals`` option in RAVEN_CONFIG (Django) is no longer used.
* A new helper, ``Client.context()`` is now available for scoping options.
* ``Client.captureExceptions`` is now deprecated in favor of ``Client.context``.
* Credit card values will now be sanitized with the default processors.
* A new eventlet+http transport exists.
* A new threaded+http transport exists.
* PyPy is now supported.
* Django 1.5 should now be supported (experimental).
* Gevent 1.0 should now be supported (experimental).
* Python 2.5 is no longer supported.
* [Django] The ``skip_sentry`` attribute is no longer supported. A new option config option has replaced this: ``SENTRY_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS``.





* New serializers exist (and can be registered) against Raven. See ``raven.utils.serializer`` for more information.
* You can now pass ``tags`` to the ``capture`` method. This will require a Sentry server compatible with the new
tags protocol.
* A new gevent+http transport exists.
* A new tornado+http transport exists.
* A new twisted+http transport exists.
* Zope integration has been added. See docs for more information.
* PasteDeploy integration has been added. See docs for more information.
* A Django endpoint now exists for proxying requests to Sentry. See ``raven.contrib.django.views`` for more information.



* Signatures are no longer sent with messages. This requires the server version to be at least 4.4.6.
* Several fixes and additions were added to the Django report view.
* ``long`` types are now handled in transform().
* Improved integration with Celery (and django-celery) for capturing errors.



* There is now a builtin view as part of the Django integration for sending events server-side
(from the client) to Sentry. The view is currently undocumented, but is available as ``{% url raven-report %}``
and will use your server side credentials. To use this view you'd simply swap out the servers configuration in
raven-js and point it to the given URL.
* A new middleware for ZeroRPC now exists.
* A new protocol for registering transports now exists.
* Corrected some behavior in the UDP transport.
* Celery signals are now connected by default within the Django integration.



* The password sanitizer will now attempt to sanitize key=value pairs within strings (such as the querystring).
* Two new santiziers were added: RemoveStackLocalsProcessor and RemovePostDataProcessor

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