* Fix parsetab.py and parser.out destination in setup.py
* Add basic tests using pytest by fzipi
* Extended README.md with testing and setup by fzipi
* Set the 'oplineno' argument in case of implicit operator,
eg. 'SecRule "foo"...' means 'SecRule "rx foo"', oplineno need
fixes 12
* Extended the parser with different syntax than CRS used.
This patterns were listed in issue 09, reported by MirkoDziadzka
* Changed version number in README.md
* Changed version in the given example (typo)
* Add new example: example7a_beautifier.py, which places the `t` actions inline
* Change hash bang to be portable across different systems (annawinkler)
* Allow negated empty operator, eg. "! ^$" which means "!rx ^$" - thanks fzipi