Changes ------- * Drop supporting Python 2.5 and unify tests for Py2 and Py3. * Use new version of msgpack-c. It packs correctly on big endian platforms. * Remove deprecated packs and unpacks API.
Bugs fixed ---------- * 8 Packing subclass of dict raises TypeError. (Thanks to Steeve Morin.)
====== :release date: 2012-04-21
New --- * Don't accept subtype of list and tuple as msgpack list. (Steeve Morin) It allows customize how it serialized with ``default`` argument.
Bugs fixed ---------- * Fix wrong error message. (David Wolever) * Fix memory leak while unpacking when ``object_hook`` or ``list_hook`` is used. (Steeve Morin)
Other changes ------------- * works on Python 2.5 (Steffen Siering) * Optimization for serializing dict.
====== :release date: 2011-12-27
Bugs fixed ----------
* Re-enable packs/unpacks removed at 0.1.11. It will be removed when 0.2 is released.
====== :release date: 2011-12-26
Bugs fixed ----------
* Include test code for Python3 to sdist. (Johan Bergström) * Fix compilation error on MSVC. (davidgaleano)
====== :release date: 2011-08-22
New feature ----------- * Add ``encoding`` and ``unicode_errors`` option to packer and unpacker. When this option is specified, (un)packs unicode object instead of bytes. This enables using msgpack as a replacement of json. (tailhook)
===== :release date: 2011-01-29
New feature ----------- * ``use_list`` option is added to unpack(b) like Unpacker. (Use keyword argument because order of parameters are different)