* The 32-bit server is frozen with the following versions
- ``server32-windows.exe`` -- Python 3.7.10, pythonnet 2.5.2, comtypes 1.1.10
- ``server32-linux`` -- Python 3.7.10, pythonnet 2.4.0
* Added
- support for loading an ActiveX library
- the following static methods to `Server32`:
- the :func:`~msl.loadlib.utils.generate_com_wrapper` function
* Changed
- the ``sys.coinit_flags`` attribute is now set to ``COINIT_MULTITHREADED``
(only if this attribute was not already defined prior to importing `msl.loadlib`)
* Fixed
- ``Client64.__del__`` could have written a warning to stderr indicating
that no ``self._conn`` attribute existed
- ``sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name=...>``
warnings could be written to stderr when a `Client64` object is destroyed
- issue `23 <https://github.com/MSLNZ/msl-loadlib/issues/23>`_ - the
``useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy`` property was no longer created