> Big Changes: BCP-47, data compression
- BCP47: (Language, Script, Region)
- Our implementation is strictly not BCP-47. We differ on the following
- We use ISO 639-3 codes (i.e three letters) for all languages, where as BCP47 uses two letters for some (e.g. `en`) and three letters for many.
- We use `_` (underscore) to join language, script, region whereas BCP-47 uses `-` (hyphen)
- Dataset IDs (aka `did` in short) are standardized `<group>-<name>-<version>-<lang1>-<lang2>`
- `<group>` can have mixed case, `<name>` has to be lowercase
- CLI interface now accept `did`s.
- `mtdata get --dev <did>` now accepts a single dataset ID; creates `dev.{xxx,yyy}` links at the root of out dir
- `mtdata get --test <did1> ... <did3>` creates `test{1..4}.{xxx,yyy}` links at the root of out dir
- `--compress` option to store compressed datasets under output dir
- `zip` and `tar` files are no longer extracted. we read directly from compressed files without extracting them
- `._lock` files are removed after download job is done
- Add JESC, jpn paracrawl, news commentary 15 and 16
- Force unicode encoding; make it work on windows (Issue 71)
- JW300 -> JW300_v1 (tokenized); Added JW300_v1c (raw) (Issue 70)
- Add all Wikititle datasets from lingual tool (Issue 63)
- progressbar : `englighten` is used
- `wget` is replaced with `requests`. _User-Agent_ header along with mtdata version is sent in HTTP request headers
- Paracrawl v9 added