Simpler Structure
Simplified tool structure. A lot of the mini-scripts have been combined.
There are only 5 scripts left: mlogfilter, mloginfo, mplotqueries, mlogvis,
mlaunch. No features have been cut, they are all still available within the
5 scripts, but may have moved.
New Features
* very fast binary search for time slicing
* timestamp-format aware, can convert between formats
* mlogmerge is now fully included into mlogfilter
* can output in json format
* mloginfo supports multiple files
* now with info sections on restarts, connections, distinct log lines
* shows progress bar during distinct log file parsing
* can now group on arbitrary regular expressions
* has a new group limits feature, to group all but the top x groups together
* range plots support gaps
* better color scheme
* shows progress bar during log file parsing
* support multiple mongos
And Many Bug Fixes
For a full list of fixed issues, visit the `github issue page
<https://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools/issues>`__ of mtools.