
Latest version: v1.7.2

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Simpler Structure

Simplified tool structure. A lot of the mini-scripts have been combined.
There are only 5 scripts left: mlogfilter, mloginfo, mplotqueries, mlogvis,
mlaunch. No features have been cut, they are all still available within the
5 scripts, but may have moved.

New Features


* very fast binary search for time slicing
* timestamp-format aware, can convert between formats
* mlogmerge is now fully included into mlogfilter
* can output in json format


* mloginfo supports multiple files
* now with info sections on restarts, connections, distinct log lines
* shows progress bar during distinct log file parsing


* can now group on arbitrary regular expressions
* has a new group limits feature, to group all but the top x groups together
* range plots support gaps
* better color scheme
* shows progress bar during log file parsing


* support multiple mongos

And Many Bug Fixes

For a full list of fixed issues, visit the `github issue page
<>`__ of mtools.



* mplotqueries: included a new plot type 'connchurn' that shows opened vs.
closed connections over time (77, 74).
* mplotqueries: removed redundant ``--type duration`` plot and set the
default to ``--type scatter --yaxis duration``.
* mloginfo: new tool that summarizes log file information, including
start/end time, version if present, and optionally restarts.
* added nosetests infrastructure and first tests for mlaunch and mlogfilter
* added internal LogFile class that offers helper methods around log files
* fixed bug where ``mlogfilter --shorten`` was off by one character.



* mlogvis: fixed a bug displaying the data in the wrong time zone (70).
* mplotqueries: fixed bug where a plot's argument sub-parser (e.g. for
--bucketsize) couldn't deal with stdin.
* mplotqueries: fixed bug that caused crash when there was no data to
plot (68).
* mlogfilter: fixed bug that prevented ``--from`` and ``--to`` to be
used with stdin (73).
* fixed bug parsing durations of log lines that have a float instead
of int value (like 123.45ms).
* implemented ISO-8601 timestamp format parsing for upcoming change
in MongoDB 2.6 (76).



* mplotqueries: new plot types: "scatter" can plot various counters on the
y-axis, "nscanned/n" plots inefficient queries (58).
* mplotqueries: added footnote ("created with mtools") including version.
Can be toggled on/off with 'f' (33).
* mplotqueries: added histogram plots (--type histogram) with variable bucket
size (25).
* mplotqueries: always plot full range of log file on x-axis, even if data
points start later or end earlier (60).
* mlogfilter: added human-readable option (--human) that inserts ``,`` in
large numbers and calculates durations in hrs,min,sec. (8).
* mlogdistinct: improved log2code matching and cleaned up log2code match



* mlogvis: doesn't require web server anymore. Data is directly stored in
self-contained HTML file (57).
* mlogvis: when clicking reset, keep group selection, only reset zoom
window (56).
* mlaunch: different directory name will no longer create a nested
``data`` folder (54).
* mlaunch: arguments unknown to mlaunch are checked against mongod and
mongos and only passed on if they are accepted (55).
* mlaunch: now you can specify a path for the mongod and mongos binaries
with --binarypath PATH (46).
* mlaunch: positional argument for directory name removed. directory name
now requires ``--dir``. default is ``./data``.



* fixed timezone bug in mlogmerge (24)
* allow for multiple mongos in mlaunch with ``--mongos NUM`` parameter (30)
* mlaunch can now take any additional single arguments (like ``-vvv`` or
``--notablescan``) and pass it on to the mongod/s instances (31)
* all scripts now have ``--version`` flag (inherited from BaseCmdLineTool)
* added ``--fast`` option to mlogfilter (37)
* mlogvis title added and legend height determined automatically (45)
* mlaunch now checks if port is available before trying to start and exits
if port is already in use (43)
* improved mlogfilter ``--from`` / ``--to`` parsing, now supports sole
relative arguments for both arguments, millisecond parsing, month-only
filtering (12).
* restructured tools to derive from base class ``BaseCmdLineTool`` or
* fixed bug in log line parsing when detecting duration at the end of a line
* changed ``--log`` to ``--logscale`` argument for mplotqueries to avoid
confusion with "log" files
* added `Contributing
page under the tutorials section

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