
Latest version: v1.2.0

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* Updated to the latest version of Qt to fix syntax highlighting issues in OSX.
* Ensure CWD is set to the directory containing the script to be run in Python3
* Updated website with instructions in light of OSX changes.



Another bugfix and translation release. No new features were added. Unless
there are show-stoppers, the next release will be 1.1 with new features.

* Updated OSX to macOS, as per Apple's usage of the terms. Thanks Craig Steele.
* Updates and improvements to the Chinese translation. Thank John Guan.
* Improved locale detection on macOS. Many thanks to Tiago Montes.
* Cosmetic stripping of trailing spaces on save. Thanks to Tim Golden.
* Update PyQt version so pip installed Mu works with Python 3.5. Thanks to
Carlos Pereira Atencio.
* Fix incorrect setting of dataTerminalReady flag. Thanks to GitHub user
* Spanish language improvements and fixes by Juan Biondi, yeyeto2788 and
Carlos Pereira Atencio.
* Improvements and fixes to the German translation by Eberhard Fahle.
* Fix encoding bug on Windows which caused crashes and lost files. Many thanks
to Tim Golden for this work.
* Keyboard focus loss when closing REPL is now fixed. Thanks again Tim Golden.
* More devices for Adafruit mode along with a capability to work with future
devices which have the Adafruit vendor ID. Thanks to Limor Friend for this
* Fix a bug introduced in 1.0.1 where output from a child Python process was
being truncated.
* Fix an off-by-one error when reading bytes from UART on MicroPython devices.
* Ensure zoom is consistent and remembered between panes and sessions.
* Ensure mu_code and/or current directory of current script are on Python path
in Mu installed from the installer on Windows. Thanks to Tim Golden and Tim
McCurrach for helping to test the fix.
* Added Argon, Boron and Xenon boards to Adafruit mode since they're also
supported by Adafruit's CircuitPython.
* The directory used to start a load/save dialog is either what the user last
selected, the current directory of the current file or the mode's working
directory (in order of precedence). This is reset when the mode is changed.
* Various minor typo and bug fixes.



This is a bugfix and new translation release. No new features were added. The
next release will be 1.1.0 with some new features.

* Added a German translation by René Raab.
* Added various new Adafruit boards, thanks Limor!
* Added a Vietnamese translation by GitHub user doanminhdang.
* Fix bug in MicroPython REPL when dealing with colour escape sequences, thanks
Martin Dybdal of Coding Pirates! Arrr.
* Ensured anyone trying to setup on an incompatible version of Python is given
a friendly message explaining the problem. Thanks to the hugely talented
René Dudfield for migrating this helpful function from PyGame!
* Added a Brasilian translation by Marco A L Barbosa.
* Added missing API docs for PyGameZero. Thanks to Justin Riley.
* Added a Swedish translation by Filip Korling.
* Fixes to various metadata configuration entries by Nick Morrott.
* Updated to a revised Chinese translation. Thanks to John Guan.
* Added the Mappa MUndi (roadmap) to the developer documentation.
* Added a Polish translation by Filip Kłębczyk.
* Fixes and enhancements to the UI to aid dyslexic users by Tim McCurrach.
* Updated to version for MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit. Many
thanks to Damien George of the MicroPython project for his amazing work.
* Many other minor bugs caught and fixed by the likes of Zander and Carlos!



* Fix for font related issues in OSX Mojave. Thanks to Steve Stagg for spotting
and fixing.
* Fix for encoding issue encountered during code checking. Thanks to Tim
Golden for a swift fix.
* Fix for orphaned modal dialog. Thanks for spotting this Zander Brown.
* Minor revisions to hot-key sequences to avoid duplications. All documented
* Update to latest version of uflash and MicroPython 1.0.0-rc.2 for micro:bit.
* Updated to latest GuiZero in Windows installers.
* Update third party API documentation used by QScintilla for code completion
and call tips. Includes CircuitPython 3 and PyGame Zero 1.2.
* Added swag related graphics to the repository (non-functional change).



* Various UI style clean ups to make sure the look of Mu is more consistent
between platforms. Thanks to Zander Brown for this valuable work.
* Added French translation of the user interface. Thanks to Gerald Quintana.
* Added Japanese translation of the user interface. Thanks to MinoruInachi.
* Added Spanish translation of the user interface. Thanks to Carlos Pereira
Atencio with help from Oier Echaniz.
* Added Portuguese translation of the user interface. Thanks to Tiago Montes.
* Fixed various edge cases relating to the new-style flashing of micro:bits.
* Fixed off-by-one error in the visual debugger highlighting of code (caused
by Windows newlines not correctly handled).
* Fixed shadow module related problem relating to Adafruit mode. It's now
possible to save "" files onto boards.
* Updated to latest version of uflash and MicroPython 1.0.0-rc.1 for micro:bit.
* Various minor bugs and niggles have been fixed.



* Update to the latest version of uflash with the latest version of MicroPython
for the BBC micro:bit.
* Change flashing the BBC micro:bit to become more efficient (based on the
copying of files to the boards small "fake" filesystem, rather than
re-flashing the whole device in one go).
* Ensure user agrees to GPL3 license when installing on OSX.
* Fix Windows "make" file to correctly report errors thanks to Tim Golden.
* The debugger in Python mode now correctly handles user-generated exceptions.
* The debugger in Python mode updates the stack when no breakpoints are set.
* Major update of the OSX based automated build system.
* Modal dialog boxes should behave better on GTK based desktops thanks to
Zander Brown.
* Right click to access context menu in file panes in micro:bit mode so local
files can be opened in Mu.
* Fix bug where REPL, Files and Plotter buttons got into a bad state on
mode change.
* Update to use PyQt 5.11.
* On save, check for shadow modules (i.e. user's are not allowed to save
code whose filename would override an existing module name).
* Automatic comment toggling via Ctrl-K shortcut.
* A simple find and replace diaolog is now available via the Ctrl-F shortcut.
* Various minor bugs and niggles have been squashed.

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