What's Changed
* Fix error in template (1940) OzGav
* Update bug_report.yml (1906) OzGav
* Add documentation links (1931) OzGav
* Bump python version in test action (1912) marcelveldt
* Fix 1781: compact_items expects dict but sometimes passed list (1862) jacobswe
* remove intent based enqueue options (1888) jozefKruszynski
* Improve config None handling for edge case, add test (1807) jozefKruszynski
⬆️ Dependencies
<summary>14 changes</summary>
* Bump pytest-homeassistant-custom-component from 0.13.88 to 0.13.101 (1928) dependabot
* Update homeassistant requirement from ~=2024.1.2 to ~=2024.2.2 (1926) dependabot
* Bump ruff from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (1927) dependabot
* Bump pre-commit from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 (1894) dependabot
* Auto-update pre-commit hooks (1896) github-actions
* Bump music-assistant from 2.0.0b85 to 2.0.0b93 (1901) dependabot
* Bump voluptuous from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2 (1876) dependabot
* Bump pytest-homeassistant-custom-component from 0.13.99 to 0.13.100 (1892) dependabot
* Auto-update pre-commit hooks (1835) github-actions
* Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6 (1872) dependabot
* Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6 (1873) dependabot
* Bump voluptuous from 0.13.1 to 0.14.1 (1818) dependabot
* Bump music-assistant from 2.0.0b83 to 2.0.0b85 (1824) dependabot
* Bump homeassistant from 2023.12.4 to 2024.1.5 (1812) dependabot