
Latest version: v2.3.1

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New module added. All needed setup dictionaries has been moved or added to this module (SPLITTABLES, NOTETYPES

Beat.fill_with_rests() added. This will be called in finalize() method of beat if it is not filled;
Measure.fill_with_rests() added. This method is called in measure’s finalize method
Voice.fill_with_rests() added

Note.update_type removed
Note.update_dots() removed
Note.number_of_dots removed

Chord: midis and quarter_durations are now required arguments.
Chord.type property added. If None and QuarterDuration not 0 QuarterDuration.get_type() will be called. Note uses this
type to create XMLType children
Chord.number_of_dots new property and some other changes for dots.
New Class: Tuplet. Can be added to Chord as its tuplet property.
If type, number_of_dots and tuplet of Chord of all chords in a beat are set not updates are executed.

Beat.get_chord_group_subdivision() added (instead of private method of Beat). Beat sets chord.tuplet properties instead
of creating xml objects directly for Note. Note itself create necessary xml objects according to its parent_chord
Beat.subidivion property added
beat.beam_chord_group() is updated and is now a public function.

Chord.beams (dict) added. Example: beams = {1:'begin', 2:'forward'}
Chord.beams can be None (forced no beams mode)
Chord.set_beam() added

QuarterDuration methods for getting type, number_of_dots and tuplet_ratio updated or created

Chord.check_printed_duration and check_number_of_beams added (for testing reasons)

Tuplets upto 15 and also 64th and 128th are implemented.


Beat.quantize_quarter_durations improved to remove chords with quarter_duration 0 properly. Quantization now takes place
in part.finalize before the actual finalizing of all measures.


Method Chord.add_lyric() cannot be called after finalization.
Chord.add_after_note_xml_objects deprecated. Use add_xml_element_after_notes instead.
Chord.add_grace_chord(): type_ argument renamed to type to avoid autodoc conflicts.
GraceChord: type_ property renamed to type to avoid autodoc conflicts.
QuarterDuration.get_beatwise_sections renamed to private method _get_beatwise_sections
util.chord_is_in_a_repetition renamed to private function _chord_is_in_a_repetition
Score.new_system added. It will be automatically set to True if a Measure sets its Measure.new_system to
True. <encoding> in XMLScore`\'s <identification> will have a <support> child with attribute 'new-system' if
Score.new_system is set to True.


A fully new version of musicscore. The old version does not exist anymore on PyPI. The repository of the old version is
still accessible via It is strongly recommended to use musicscore 2.0 or
higher instead.



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