* **Note: 1.43.x might be the last version supporting Python 2**
* Python 3.4 is no longer supported
* Building requires 'setuptools' now, CLI tools depend on 'pkg_resources'
* CLI tools are setuptools entry points now
* Fix collections ABCs deprecation warning :pr:`371` (:user:`Ken Sato <ksato9700>`)
* Minor typo fixes :pr:`375` (:user:`Nicholas Chammas <nchammas>`)
* MP3: increase max initial wrong syncs from 1000 to 1500 :pr:`376` (:user:`Hamid Alaei Varnosfaderani <halaei>`)
* FLAC: support files with multiple VORBIS_COMMENT blocks like libflac :pr:`378`
* ID3: Improved TYER/TDAT/TIME upgrade to TDRC :pr:`385`
* MP4: Add support for iTunes HD Video tag (hdvd) :pr:`386` (:user:`Jay Sandhu <JaySandhu>`)
* Add AC3 file type :pr:`400` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* AIFF: renamed sample_size to bits_per_sample (sample_size still works) :pr:`403` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* API doc fixes :pr:`404` :pr:`407` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* Add support for Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor (TAK) :pr:`405` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* OptimFROG: support encoder version >= 5.100 :pr:`406` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* AIFF: Fix handling of padding bytes, safe chunk manipulation :pr:`409` (:user:`Philipp Wolfer <phw>`)
* Fix typos :pr:`412` (:user:`Tim Gates <timgates42>`)
.. _release-1.42.0: