- add variant type - support multiple datasources for vcf annotation - remove block-size option - make `MUTANNO` source name for 'samplevariantkey', 'hgvsg', and 'variant_class' - add '-variant_class' option - refactoring - add multi-source mode - refactoring makedata mode
- implement pypi installation - add pytest
* encode 'space' to '%20' (remove blank space) * change type of `dbNSFP SiPhy_29way_pi` to list * merge some dbNSFP fields into transcript table (dbNSFPTranscript) * add makedata * update annot module * debugged first variant missing in annot module * remove unannotated variant (-remove_unannotated_variant) * update the format of multiallele tag * minor update in version tag * add SAMPLEGENO tag * minor fix in header * add 'default' value * add 'add_genoinfo' option * add 'split_multi_allelic_variant' option * add 'clean_tag' option