- Moved the ``tests`` directory to be within the package of ``mutatest``. This enabled the installation to be tested with ``pytest --pyargs mutatest`` as well as ``pytest`` from local source files. Test dependencies are still installed with ``pip install .[tests]``.
- Includes specific test environments for ``coverage`` versions 4 and 5 with appropriate mocked ``.coverage`` data outputs (JSON or SQL based on version). - A new ``tox`` test environment called ``cov4`` is added, with a new ``pytest`` marker ``pytest.mark.coverage`` for test selection.
- ``Coverage`` version 5.0 has moved to a SQLite database instead of a flat file. To support both 4x and 5x versions of ``Coverage`` the ``filters`` source code has been updated. The test suite includes mocked coverage data parsing tests of 4x only for now.
- Explicit including of ``typing-extensions`` in ``setup.py`` requirements to fix breaking documentation builds on Python version 3.7 vs. 3.8.
- Python 3.8 support! There are breaking changes with the ``LocIndex`` and other components of the ``transformers`` from prior versions of ``mutatest``. Python 3.8 introduces a new AST structure - including additional node attributes ``end_lineno`` and ``end_col_offset`` that have to be accounted for. ``transformers.MutateAST`` is now build from a base class and a mixin class depending on the Python version (3.7 vs. 3.8) for the appropriate AST treatment. There are no changes in the CLI usage.
- Bugfix to ensure ``exclude`` path processing in ``GenomeGroup.add_folder`` always uses full resolved paths for files.