* Change continuation prompt for multi-line mode to match default mysql.
* Add `status` command to match mysql's `status` command. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add SSL support for `mycli`. (Thanks: [Artem Bezsmertnyi]).
* Add auto-completion and highlight support for OFFSET keyword. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
* Add support for `MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE` env variable to specify alternate login file. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `--auto-vertical-output` to automatically switch to vertical output if the output doesn't fit in the table format.
* Add support for system-wide config. Now /etc/myclirc will be honored. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `nopager` and `\n` to turn off the pager. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `--local-infile` command-line option. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
Bug Fixes
* Remove -S from `less` option which was clobbering the scroll back in history. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Make system command work with Python 3. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Support \G terminator for \f queries. (Thanks: [Terseus]).
Internal Changes
* Upgrade `prompt_toolkit` to 0.60.
* Add Python 3.5 to test environments. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Remove license meta-data. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Skip binary tests if PyMySQL version does not support it. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Refactor pager handling. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten])
* Capture warnings to log file. (Thanks: [Mikhail Borisov]).
* Make `syntax_style` a tiny bit more intuitive. (Thanks: [Phil Cohen]).