
Latest version: v1.29.2

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* Change continuation prompt for multi-line mode to match default mysql.
* Add `status` command to match mysql's `status` command. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add SSL support for `mycli`. (Thanks: [Artem Bezsmertnyi]).
* Add auto-completion and highlight support for OFFSET keyword. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
* Add support for `MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE` env variable to specify alternate login file. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `--auto-vertical-output` to automatically switch to vertical output if the output doesn't fit in the table format.
* Add support for system-wide config. Now /etc/myclirc will be honored. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `nopager` and `\n` to turn off the pager. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Add support for `--local-infile` command-line option. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).

Bug Fixes

* Remove -S from `less` option which was clobbering the scroll back in history. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Make system command work with Python 3. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Support \G terminator for \f queries. (Thanks: [Terseus]).

Internal Changes

* Upgrade `prompt_toolkit` to 0.60.
* Add Python 3.5 to test environments. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Remove license meta-data. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Skip binary tests if PyMySQL version does not support it. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Refactor pager handling. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten])
* Capture warnings to log file. (Thanks: [Mikhail Borisov]).
* Make `syntax_style` a tiny bit more intuitive. (Thanks: [Phil Cohen]).


Not secure

Bug Fixes

* Protect against port number being None when no port is specified in command line.


Not secure

Bug Fixes

* Cast the value of port read from my.cnf to int.


Not secure


* Make a config option to enable `audit_log`. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
* Add support for reading .mylogin.cnf to get user credentials. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
This feature is only available when `pycrypto` package is installed.
* Register the special command `prompt` with the `\R` as alias. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
Users can now change the mysql prompt at runtime using `prompt` command.

mycli> prompt \u\h>
Changed prompt format to \u\h>
Time: 0.001s

* Perform completion refresh in a background thread. Now mycli can handle
databases with thousands of tables without blocking.
* Add support for `system` command. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
Users can now run a system command from within mycli as follows:

amjithlocalhost:(none)>system cat tmp.sql
select 1;
select * from django_migrations;

* Caught and hexed binary fields in MySQL. (Thanks: [Daniel West]).
Geometric fields stored in a database will be displayed as hexed strings.
* Treat enter key as tab when the suggestion menu is open. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa])
* Add "delete" and "truncate" as destructive commands. (Thanks: [Martijn Engler]).
* Change \dt syntax to add an optional table name. (Thanks: [Shoma Suzuki]).
`\dt [tablename]` will describe the columns in a table.
* Add TRANSACTION related keywords.
* Treat DESC and EXPLAIN as DESCRIBE. (Thanks: [spacewander]).

Bug Fixes

* Fix the removal of whitespace from table output.
* Add ability to make suggestions for compound join clauses. (Thanks: [Matheus Rosa]).
* Fix the incorrect reporting of command time.
* Add type validation for port argument. (Thanks [Matheus Rosa])

Internal Changes

* Make pycrypto optional and only install it in \*nix systems. (Thanks: [Irina Truong]).
* Add badge for PyPI version to README. (Thanks: [Shoma Suzuki]).
* Updated release script with a --dry-run and --confirm-steps option. (Thanks: [Irina Truong]).
* Adds support for PyMySQL 0.6.2 and above. This is useful for debian package builders. (Thanks: [Thomas Roten]).
* Disable click warning.


Not secure


* Add `source` command. This allows running sql statement from a file.


mycli> source filename.sql

* Added a config option to make the warning before destructive commands optional. (Thanks: [Daniel West](

In the config file ~/.myclirc set `destructive_warning = False` which will
disable the warning before running `DROP` commands.

* Add completion support for CHANGE TO and other master/slave commands. This is
still preliminary and it will be enhanced in the future.

* Add custom styles to color the menus and toolbars.

* Upgrade `prompt_toolkit` to 0.46. (Thanks: [Jonathan Slenders])

Multi-line queries are automatically indented.

Bug Fixes

* Fix keyword completion after the `WHERE` clause.
* Add `\g` and `\G` as valid query terminators. Previously in multi-line mode
ending a query with a `\G` wouldn't run the query. This is now fixed.


Not secure


* Add a new special command (\T) to change the table format on the fly. (Thanks: [Jonathan Bruno](

mycli> \T tsv

* Add `--defaults-group-suffix` to the command line. This lets the user specify
a group to use in the my.cnf files. (Thanks: [Irina Truong](

In the my.cnf file a user can specify credentials for different databases and
invoke mycli with the group name to use the appropriate credentials.

user = 'root'
socket = '/tmp/mysql.sock'
pager = 'less -RXSF'
database = 'account'

user = 'amjith'
database = 'user_management'

$ mycli --defaults-group-suffix=amjith uses the [clientamjith] section in my.cnf

* Add `--defaults-file` option to the command line. This allows specifying a
`my.cnf` to use at launch. This also makes it play nice with mysql sandbox.

* Make `-p` and `--password` take the password in commandline. This makes mycli
a drop in replacement for mysql.

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