This release continues the process of integrating functions from `mynn <>`_.
New features:
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.glorot_normal`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.glorot_uniform`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.he_normal`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.he_uniform`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.normal`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.initializers.uniform`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.losses.focal_loss`
- Adds :func:`~mygrad.nnet.losses.negative_log_likelihood`
Big thanks to David Mascharka!
The interfaces to :func:`~mygrad.reshape` and :func:`~mygrad.Tensor.reshape` were adjusted to match exactly the interfaces to their NumPy counterparts.
I.e. :func:`~mygrad.reshape` now requires ``newshape`` to be a sequence, whereas :func:`~mygrad.Tensor.reshape` can accept an unpacked sequence for its
:func:`~mygrad.Tensor.shape` is now settable - triggering an in-place reshape of a tensor, matching the corresponding behavior in NumPy.
Internal changes:
The logic for writing an in-place operation has been consolidated into a convenient wrapper: :func:`~mygrad.Tensor._in_place_op`.