New options for the analysis:
`--mask-path FILE`: The path to a binary mask to hide slide region during analysis. It needs to be of the same resolution as input image and only pixel marked as 1 will be analyzed. (Basically a simple .tif image with 0/1, with 0 being pixels ignored during the analysis and 1 pixels kept for the analysis)
`--export-map / --no-export-map`: Export the original image with cells painted by classification label. [default: export-map]. (A file [IMAGE_NAME]_label_blend.tiff is generated at the end of the analysis where the original image is blended with the green/red label map for visualisation of all fibers classification)
`--export-stats / --no-export-stats`: Export per fiber and per nuclei stat table. [default: export-stats]. ( A file [IMAGE_NAME]_cell_details.csv is generated that contains informations about all cell detected (area, coordinates...) and the number of nuclei (intern+periph) as columns. + A file [IMAGE_NAME]_nuc_details.csv is generated that contains informations about all analyzed nuclei (with the correspond fiber ID and the nuclei eccentricity score and class)
`--fluo-nuc FILE`: The path to single channel fluo image for nuclei. (An option to indicate the single channel image for the DAPI, so we can blend tritC and DAPI together and it also indicated that the analysis is done on single channel images)